View Full Version : GoogleBot Restricted Access???

02-21-2011, 01:49 PM
In the new VBulletin I continuously watch when visitors arrive and have noticed that when the Googlebot worms through, I see it getting a message first that says restricted area and then a triangle which appears to be denying access. Should I be concerned of this?

It is attached. Also are there any ways other than purchase of VbSEO whicvh I did to encourage Googlebot visiting of the forums. I posted an article at my site this morning (http://thessdreview.com) and had no less than 9 bots within seconds.

With the forum (http://thessdreview.com/Forums) , I have only see Google and Yahoo very rarely.



02-21-2011, 02:44 PM
If a googlebot is going into an area they are not allowed to, then they will get that triangle denying access.

02-21-2011, 02:48 PM
Yes, I guess I am just concerned that they are getting stopped and not having an opportunity to get into the site eheh.

Thank you.