View Full Version : vbulletin marquee scroll

Legend Killer1
02-20-2011, 12:07 AM
yes i was wondering how to make a scroll into my vbulletin im not sure if its a hack or a mod they installed but i would like to know how to do this i really want one in my forum take a look at an example at www.elite-wrestling.net username is Legend Killer pw is 101iceman101 i would appreciate any help with this thanks :) btw i have 4.1.2 version forum incase its a mod u have to link me!

02-20-2011, 02:52 AM
The page source shows this is the code used:
<table width="700 align=" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" border="0" class="tborder" style="border-top-width: 0px;" center="">
<tbody><tr align="center">
<td width="marquee_system_width" align="left" class="vbmenu_control">
<marquee width="800" height="30" direction="left" behavior="scroll" scrollamount="5" onmouseover="this.scrollAmount=2" onmouseout="this.scrollAmount=5"><font size="4" face="Tahoma" color="#ffffff"></font><center><font size="4" face="Tahoma" color="#ffffff"><b>~ Welcome Back to Elite-Wrestling.NET~! <font color="#000000"></font><font color="#000000">~</font>HBO Boxing is Live Tonight Starting @ 9 PM EST/2 AM U.K! <font color="#000000"> ~</font> Don't Miss Elimination Chamber 02.20.11 Next Big Event Live!<font color="#000000">~</font></b></font><b></b> </center></marquee></td>
</tbody></table>That is some pretty ugly html there, but that's what they are using. You really only need a div and then to use the <marque> tag. HTML MARQUEE - HTML Code Tutorial (http://www.htmlcodetutorial.com/_MARQUEE.html)

Legend Killer1
02-20-2011, 03:24 AM
ok but how do they make it like where it has the bg pic that looks like their forum there is a bg pic that they use that looks like the forum and how do they make it where it says welcome back unregistered then when person logs in it says welcome back whatever ur name is in the scroll?

02-20-2011, 04:12 PM
I cannot get to the site right now to see what you are talking about. Perhaps if you can get to the site, do a screen cap and then point out what it is you are talking about.