View Full Version : Database error - board down, please help

02-15-2011, 03:12 PM
We were working on a problem with the mass email system. We have this error - can someone explain what this means?

Link to admin cp works - i am not able to change options or shut down the board. Can someone suggest what i do next?

Database error in vBulletin 4.1.0:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS node.nodeid AS itemid ,(node.nodeleft = 1) AS isroot, node.nodeid, node.contenttypeid, node.contentid, node.url, node.parentnode, node.styleid, node.userid,
node.layoutid, node.publishdate, node.setpublish, node.issection, parent.permissionsfrom as parentpermissions,
node.permissionsfrom, node.publicpreview, node.shownav, node.hidden, node.nosearch , info.description, info.title, info.viewcount, info.creationdate, info.workflowdate,
info.workflowstatus, info.workflowcheckedout, info.workflowlevelid, info.associatedthreadid,
user.username, sectionorder.displayorder

FROM cms_node AS node
INNER JOIN cms_nodeinfo AS info ON info.nodeid = node.nodeid
LEFT JOIN user AS user ON user.userid = node.userid
LEFT JOIN cms_sectionorder AS sectionorder ON sectionorder.sectionid = node.parentnode
AND sectionorder.nodeid = node.nodeid
LEFT JOIN cms_node AS parent ON parent.nodeid = node.parentnode

WHERE node.new != 1 AND node.nodeid IN (1,45,5) AND ( (node.permissionsfrom IN (1)) OR (node.userid =1) OR ( node.permissionsfrom in (1) AND (node.parentnode IN (1,45,118,117,120,121,122,5) OR node.nodeid = 1) AND
node.setpublish > 0 AND node.publishdate < 1297789722 ))AND node.new != 1

ORDER BY CASE WHEN sectionorder.displayorder > 0 THEN sectionorder.displayorder ELSE 9999999 END ASC,
node.publishdate DESC;

MySQL Error : Got error 122 from storage engine
Error Number : 1030
Request Date : Tuesday, February 15th 2011 @ 10:08:42 AM
Error Date : Tuesday, February 15th 2011 @ 10:08:42 AM
Script : http://forums..............g.com/
Referrer :
IP Address : 75.190.,,.......
Username : admin
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.91-community

02-15-2011, 03:31 PM
OS error code 122: Disk quota exceeded
One or more partitions on your server is out of space or doesn't have enough space to complete this operation. You need to shutdown your forums and contact your host immediately. You or your host will need to find out which partition is low on disk space and either add more space or free up some.

02-15-2011, 03:41 PM
i am not able to shut down forums :(. i cant even get to that option it crashes when i get to admin >> options >> turn vbulletin on/off.

02-15-2011, 03:48 PM
Using phpMyAdmin or whatever you use to access your database, run this query to close the board:

UPDATE datastore SET data = REPLACE(data, '"bbactive";i:1;', '"bbactive";i:0;') WHERE title = 'options';
UPDATE setting SET value=0 WHERE varname='bbactive';If you use a table prefix, then enter that before the table name - ie. prefixdatastore and prefixsetting

Have you already contacted your host?