View Full Version : Help getting rid of this block after upgrade

02-10-2011, 07:54 AM
I upgraded my 3.8 forum to 4.1..I deleted all hacks before the upgrade and reverted all templates. I had a dynamic forum announcement hack installed and it won't seem to go away no matter what I do.

Here is the hack...I didn't want to post in the thread because its old.

Here is what it looks like..even when the hack is uninstalled. I never had it installed on 4..only on 3.8


I have firebug at the bottom.


Its the entire block were the maintenance message is...Thanks in advance for your help

02-10-2011, 11:58 AM
go download the mod and open it you will need to delete all files that are in that mod, when you uninstall a mod it wont delete files on your server, that is a manual process, so go to each folder the mod uploads and delete the files associated with it uninstalling the mod only removes the xml and templates and stuff from vbs products management system then run maintenance on the board , and you may want to run the upgrade again.