View Full Version : Contacting Viewing Guests

02-08-2011, 06:43 AM
Quite often I see there are guests viewing who aren't members of my forum.

Is there a way that when I resolve their IP addresses and see they are real people and not search engines I can send them a message to chat with them and get them to join?

if not, that would be an awesome mod to have don't you think?


02-08-2011, 10:53 AM
hunm a mod to contact lurkers , interesting :)

No you cant since you have no controls over them until they login,
but you may be able to show them an AD just set it to say I see your not logged in Join and I will kiss you LOL

and set perms on the ad for unreg users , im so funny

02-08-2011, 11:28 AM
i understand that you have no controls over them, but their IP address does show, and they can be traced to doing a specific task, so thats why i was wondering if you could IM them and force a pop up message or something