View Full Version : vBulletin.com is now powered by vBulletin 4.1.2

vB.Org System
02-03-2011, 07:20 PM
vBulletin.com is now powered by vBulletin 4.1.2
vBulletin 4.1.2 will also be released soon as a public Beta (update to this announcement to follow)

vBulletin 4.1.2 includes:

Mobile Style (http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/content.php/428-New-vBulletin-4-Light-Mobile-Style)
Integrated lightweight mobile style.
This mobile style is optimized for all webkit mobile devices in most languages, and will auto-detect if a user visits the site from a mobile device and render the site in the mobile style.

Please note: Currently this style is included in both the vBulletin 4 Publishing Suite and the vBulletin 4 Forum Classic, however the Blog and CMS of the Publishing Suite are not currently covered by the mobile style - the mobile Blog and mobile CMS styles are currently in development, and slated for a future release of vBulletin. Both the CMS and the Blog will still be accessible via mobile devices, but will render in their respective web application styles.

VerticalResponse Integration (http://www.verticalresponse.com/vbulletin/)
We have enabled direct integration with the professional e-mail management service, VerticalResponse.
As a vBulletin customer, you will receive a free trial of the service, and it will enable you to send professionally managed e-mails to your userbase with full reporting from your adminCP via VerticalResponse. Please note, VerticalResponse is a paid for service.

Bug Fixes/Improvements
Here is a list of the major bug fixes/improvements included in this release. A full list of issues are available here (http://tracker.vbulletin.com/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=project+%3D+VBIV+AND+fixVersion+%3D+%224. 1.2%22).

Mobile API
Custom profile field doesn't return all information in 3.7 and 3.8 api (http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBIV-10857)
Miss editlink, replylink and forwardlink show vars in postbit related methods (http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBIV-10862)
Wrong Permission checks for blog tags (http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBIV-9119)
Wrong Permission checks for blog tags (2) (http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBIV-9125)
General Fixes
Forum Home Optimization (http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBIV-10457)
cms_nodeinfo doesn't have an Index for associatedthreads field (http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBIV-7634)
New Profile Format Not Workable With Custom Tabs (http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBIV-9832)
XFBML For Facebook Like Button (http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBIV-7547)
Upgrade failing for older versions where custom templates exist (http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBIV-10709)
CMS error: Cannot redeclare class vB_Bootstrap_Forum in /XXXXXX/class_bootstrap.php (http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBIV-9507)
Adding new SubCategories (http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBIV-7114)

Again, thank you to everyone who has filed bugs in our bug tracker, we sincerely appreciate your assistance.
If you come across any bugs in the product, please continue to file them in our new tracker (http://tracker.vbulletin.com/secure/CreateIssue.jspa?pid=10020&issuetype=1).

Feedback on the product is welcomed here (http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=372732) for licensed customers.
At this stage, we aim to have this release available to you next week.


More... (http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php/372733-vBulletin.com-is-now-powered-by-vBulletin-4.1.2?goto=newpost)