View Full Version : Help with new Forum - Facebook Like Button

01-27-2011, 08:23 AM

I have a new forum that I've just started. It's URL is www.1000rr.co.uk.

I added a Facebook Like button on the main page, just under the text at the top '1000rr.co.uk - The Uk's Number One CBR1000RR Fireblade Forum'.

I noticed that users are 'liking' the page and clicking the button. There are 5 likes showing.

However, when I click on the related FB page it is only showing 3 likes as registered.

Initially, I suspected they were not linked properly. However, if I 'Unlike' the box, I am removed from the 'Like' box on the Facebook Fan Page.

So my question is, why are all the 'Like' users not being displated on the FB fan page?


01-27-2011, 08:18 PM
possibly ips are being registered and someone is liking the page from different puters but the same ips