View Full Version : Show Thread Enhancements - Old Thread Notices by BOP5

01-21-2011, 10:00 PM
New Version 1.5 :cool:

This mod will display a notice at the top of any thread and/or the "newreply" page of any thread that is over X number of days old. You can choose whether you want to start counting from the date of the first post or the date of the last post for each option. You can also choose to disable it on sticky threads (good if you use stickies for official forum business), disable it in specific forums, disable it for specific threads, or disable for guests).

The purpose is obviously to stop bumping of old threads unless the user has a good reason. It's also a good way to notify whoever is reading a thread that it is old so they don't think a bumped thread is recent and reply to it without checking.

There are two phrases and one template to give you total control on how the notice looks and what it says.

Full instructions are included in the .zip file.

This should work on vB 3.7/3.8 and maybe earlier versions as well. It will NOT work in vB 4.x.

Live Demo: http://www.juot.net/forums/showthread.php?t=47981

Please Mark as Installed if you use this. :)

VB 4.x version: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=257629

01-22-2011, 05:36 PM

01-22-2011, 11:49 PM
Hey all- one more quick update to version 1.1 because I forgot a feature I wanted for myself.

Version 1.1 now lets you disable old thread notices for guests if you want. (Since they can't reply to threads anyway.)

01-23-2011, 10:51 AM
Thanks, works fine on 3.8.6 Patch Level 1. :)

01-23-2011, 05:48 PM
Thanks!!! :)

Is there a way to get this notice only shown on the editor-page after you hit the reply button?

01-23-2011, 11:51 PM
Thanks!!! :)

Is there a way to get this notice only shown on the editor-page after you hit the reply button?

That's a good idea. I just added that option to the new version 1.5.

Version 1.5 allows you to optionally have the notice on the top of the thread AND/OR in "newreply." Also you can choose the "First Post" or "Last Post" counting for each independently since I prefer to show a notice on the top of the thread based on the "First Post" date but a notice on newreply based on the "Last Post" date.


I also updated the template code for a sleeker, modern look with rounded div's as can be seen live on my demo page now. :cool:

01-24-2011, 10:47 AM
Wow, that was fast! Great!!!! Thank you!!! :) :up:

01-24-2011, 12:32 PM
Nice Mod!!

01-25-2011, 11:43 PM
Great Mod. Thank You For Sharing It. :up:

This is a Great Choice Also For the Opposite of the Original Idea; It Could be Very Helpful to Motivate Users to Participate by Mentioning to Them that the Threads Are Out of Date and that an Update of them Would be Appreciated, (In Many Cases and Many Boards is Important to Update and Continue With Old Threads).

Nominated For MOTM. ;)

My Best Regards.


01-25-2011, 11:52 PM
Great Mod. Thank You For Sharing It. :up:

This is a Great Choice Also For the Opposite of the Original Idea; It Could be Very Helpful to Motivate Users to Participate by Mentioning to Them that the Threads Are Out of Date and that an Update of them Would be Appreciated, (In Many Cases and Many Boards is Important to Update and Continue With Old Threads).

Nominated For MOTM. ;)

My Best Regards.


Good idea- anyone can modify the phrases to accomplish this.

Thank You.

04-06-2011, 06:12 AM
thanks for MOD ! installed

nice be add one setting turn off notice for closed threads

04-06-2011, 02:59 PM
Good idea. I will try that for the next update. :up:

04-06-2011, 05:19 PM
nice mod.

05-08-2012, 06:51 AM
Ha - was just starting to code it myself, when I thougt: this has to be on .org somewhere.
Thanks :cool:

Black Tiger
05-09-2012, 12:23 PM
I like it, but I would install it if users also had to do something extra to be able to post, like tick the thread.

New Joe
05-09-2012, 12:37 PM
I like it, but I would install it if users also had to do something extra to be able to post, like tick the thread.

I am sure I have seen something like this before on a vb site, they had to tick a check box before replying.

09-14-2012, 02:11 PM
Good Work

11-16-2012, 04:35 AM
Voted Excellent & Installed: These small Addons have a big meaning to me and our forum. We have members keep replying to 6 months old posts.... Thanks a lot BOP5,,,

11-16-2012, 06:33 PM