View Full Version : Weird errors, time and posts..

01-09-2011, 01:05 PM
I'm experiencing some weird errors with my forum. Firstly, the times are posting wrong, in the attachments there is a print screen of the latest posts. It says the latest post was at 5.55am but the forum time (on the bottom) is 2.00am.

Also sometimes when people post, the posts are mixed up. For example.


This was created by user "penguin man" but "bannak" is the first post.

Weird stuff.

Hopefully this makes sense.

01-09-2011, 05:37 PM
vBulletin gets it's time from the server. So check your server time and make sure it is accurate (and maybe talk to your host and find out if they have been doing anything to it). Otherwise, if the time it not off because of server issues, then it is a modification causing the issue. So, disable all your modifications for a day or so and see if you still have this issue.