View Full Version : Backing up Board

01-07-2011, 09:04 AM
Can someone let me know how I can back up my board? I thought I had backed it up but I think it just backed up the settings. I am not 100% sure.

Thank you in advance!

01-07-2011, 09:14 AM

See section #3 only ;).

01-07-2011, 10:22 AM
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. Now I just have to work out how to update, which I am very very nervous about doing. I couldn't even install the original and paid for it to be done.

Again thank you!

01-07-2011, 11:17 AM
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. Now I just have to work out how to update, which I am very very nervous about doing. I couldn't even install the original and paid for it to be done.

Again thank you!

No problem :D

Have you checked this out? http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php/361611-Suite-OR-Forum-How-2-VIDEO-Guide-Upgrading-your-4.0-Forum < That should help ;).

Plus the best part? If your going to 4.1 the upgrade script was recently refined and it's so simple it almost hurts lol :D.

01-07-2011, 11:39 AM
The version I have is 4.0.5

To upgrade to 4.1.0 PL2, is that just one upgrade I need to do? Or do I have to upgrade other versions to get to that version?

Again thank you so much for your help. It is so appreciated. :o

01-07-2011, 07:38 PM
The version I have is 4.0.5

To upgrade to 4.1.0 PL2, is that just one upgrade I need to do? Or do I have to upgrade other versions to get to that version?

Again thank you so much for your help. It is so appreciated. :o

The upgrade script should take you to 4.1 just fine, it's going to simply upgrade to each new version as required but you should only be worried about it upgrading you to 4.1 ;).

Fyi though custom styles etc may need some adjusting after going from 4.0.5 to 4.1 just be sure you backup the files, the database and the style beforehand just in case :D.

01-08-2011, 03:07 AM
Thank you so much for your help. I am going to try and do the upgrade over the weekend. I am still a very nervous about doing it but I am going to give it a go.

Thank you again! Your help has been very much appreciated! :)

01-08-2011, 03:49 AM
Well all i can suggest u is just follow the link that Superman gave you or if u don't want any headche and don't wanna do 2 much reading then just look at this video by Superman... I did my upgrade to 4.1.0p2 jst by seeing this video and everything went good without any issue.

To reach directly to that video


01-08-2011, 08:59 AM
The video was great and easy to follow. I followed each step but I still have 4.0.5 version what I began with. I don't understand where I went wrong. If you have any suggestions, I would be very interested to hear them.

I also left this message on the video forum too

Thank you in advance!

01-08-2011, 12:29 PM
I might add that its a known fact that using phpmyadmin to export your forum database will sometimes cause you to have an incomplete backup of your forum especially if your forum is really large and has a large database. Your browser will time out when using phpmyadmin and get an incomplete backup. The best way to get a complete backup of your forum is to use either MySQLDumper or use the CPanel built in option. I have a tutorial on the cpanel option here: http://www.skinsnstyles.com/xenforo/threads/backing-up-your-entire-site-database-via-cpanel.26/ Its remarkably easy to use Cpanel for the complete backup if your host has allowed this function. if not you can usually get them to turn it on for you. To restore the database from the Cpanel backup you can use BigDump usually.

01-08-2011, 04:12 PM
The video was great and easy to follow. I followed each step but I still have 4.0.5 version what I began with. I don't understand where I went wrong. If you have any suggestions, I would be very interested to hear them.

I also left this message on the video forum too

Thank you in advance!

Well when i did the upgrade first time i had the same issue.... even after upgrading it was still showing me on some places that i have 4.0.8 n some places it showed me 4.1.0 what i found out was that i did the upgrade on a custom template and wat i did i deleted all those custom onez since they weren't gonna work on 4.1.0 anyways and redid the upgrade and everything went goood without any issues...also just make sure u upload all da files of 4.1.0 not just a patch :)

01-08-2011, 04:17 PM
The video was great and easy to follow. I followed each step but I still have 4.0.5 version what I began with. I don't understand where I went wrong. If you have any suggestions, I would be very interested to hear them.

I also left this message on the video forum too

Thank you in advance!

Can you tell us all the steps you took to upgrade your forum?

01-08-2011, 08:54 PM
I might add that its a known fact that using phpmyadmin to export your forum database will sometimes cause you to have an incomplete backup of your forum especially if your forum is really large and has a large database. Your browser will time out when using phpmyadmin and get an incomplete backup. The best way to get a complete backup of your forum is to use either MySQLDumper or use the CPanel built in option. I have a tutorial on the cpanel option here: http://www.skinsnstyles.com/xenforo/threads/backing-up-your-entire-site-database-via-cpanel.26/ Its remarkably easy to use Cpanel for the complete backup if your host has allowed this function. if not you can usually get them to turn it on for you. To restore the database from the Cpanel backup you can use BigDump usually.

Thank you I will have a look at that. I really don't know what I am doing. I am very new to this sort of thing and I paid originally for the board to be uploaded. I have never done a update. I even had to download a FTP program as I have never used one before. I am a true dummy when it comes to this sort of thing! :o

--------------- Added 1294527360 at 1294527360 ---------------

Well when i did the upgrade first time i had the same issue.... even after upgrading it was still showing me on some places that i have 4.0.8 n some places it showed me 4.1.0 what i found out was that i did the upgrade on a custom template and wat i did i deleted all those custom onez since they weren't gonna work on 4.1.0 anyways and redid the upgrade and everything went goood without any issues...also just make sure u upload all da files of 4.1.0 not just a patch :)

Maybe that is where I went wrong. Now come to think of it, maybe it was the patch that I download and not the whole of the upgrade. I was very confused where to download it from in the members section.

01-08-2011, 08:59 PM
Thank you I will have a look at that. I really don't know what I am doing. I am very new to this sort of thing and I paid originally for the board to be uploaded. I have never done a update. I even had to download a FTP program as I have never used one before. I am a true dummy when it comes to this sort of thing! :o

--------------- Added 1294527360 at 1294527360 ---------------

Maybe that is where I went wrong. Now come to think of it, maybe it was the patch that I download and not the whole of the upgrade. I was very confused where to download it from in the members section.

Upgrading is very easy. You don''t need to pay anyone to do it. Make sure to first make a complete backup of your database and then follow the steps at the link above or here:



01-08-2011, 09:04 PM
Can you tell us all the steps you took to upgrade your forum?

Sure. I went exactly by the video. I had to download a FTP program. I actually downloaded three LOL One I couldn't get working. The second one kept on freezing on me. Then I downloaded SmartFTP and that seemed to work, I think. I have never used one of these programs before. I did a back up, which was easy enough done. I deleted two files as per the video. I can't remember which ones but it was the two that were in the video. I also added something to the top of the config file as per the video. I turned off my board and then transfered all the files over via the FTP program. Once that was done. I went to the install/upgrade page and went through all those steps. I think there were 6 in total. Then I went back to my board and everything worked fine. At the bottom of the board it still said that I had version 4.0.5. When I went to the admin panel at the top it still said I had 4.0.5. It looked like nothing had changed.

Ohh and I don't have any mods attached to the board, so there was nothing to turn off there.

I hope all that makes sense?

01-08-2011, 09:10 PM
No problem. To check your database backup you can see if its complete by just downloading it to your hard drive if you have not already and double clicking on it to open it. Give it a moment because sometimes it takes a minute or two to totally load. Then scroll all the way to the bottom and look for something to the effect of:

-- Dumping data for table `vb3_word`

Yours may look like this:

-- Dumping data for table `word`

That is the end of it and it would be complete as long as you have the last table on the file.

01-08-2011, 09:21 PM
No problem. To check your database backup you can see if its complete by just downloading it to your hard drive if you have not already and double clicking on it to open it. Give it a moment because sometimes it takes a minute or two to totally load. Then scroll all the way to the bottom and look for something to the effect of:

-- Dumping data for table `vb3_word`

Yours may look like this:

-- Dumping data for table `word`

That is the end of it and it would be complete as long as you have the last table on the file.

I just opened up my download that I did before trying to upgrade and it has nothing like that. The last thing it has is this

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `visitormessage_hash` (
`postuserid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`dupehash` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
`dateline` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
KEY `postuserid` (`postuserid`,`dupehash`),
KEY `dateline` (`dateline`)

Does that mean I have not backed up my board right?

01-08-2011, 09:27 PM
Sure. I went exactly by the video. I had to download a FTP program. I actually downloaded three LOL One I couldn't get working. The second one kept on freezing on me. Then I downloaded SmartFTP and that seemed to work, I think. I have never used one of these programs before. I did a back up, which was easy enough done. I deleted two files as per the video. I can't remember which ones but it was the two that were in the video. I also added something to the top of the config file as per the video. I turned off my board and then transfered all the files over via the FTP program. Once that was done. I went to the install/upgrade page and went through all those steps. I think there were 6 in total. Then I went back to my board and everything worked fine. At the bottom of the board it still said that I had version 4.0.5. When I went to the admin panel at the top it still said I had 4.0.5. It looked like nothing had changed.

Ohh and I don't have any mods attached to the board, so there was nothing to turn off there.

I hope all that makes sense?

I have not seen the video for the upgrade, but upgrading is rather easy to do. You need to follow these steps:

1. Download the latest version of vbulletin from your members area.
2. Unzip it to your hard drive (desktop most likely is easiest)
3. Look in the includes/ directory and find the config.php.new file.
4. Change the name to config.php.
5. Double click on the config file to open it (you'll need a html editor like dreaweaver, frontpage, or there are some frees ones or you can use windows built in notepad or a text editor.
6. In the file you will need to change the following items to match your info:

First find:

$config['Database']['dbname'] = 'forum';

Change it to your database name you can find this info on your old config file. Just download it from your includes directory on your site.

Then find:

$config['Database']['tableprefix'] = '';

Make sure its the same as your config file from your 4.0.5 version.

Then find:

$config['MasterServer']['servername'] = 'localhost';

Again make sure it matches your old config file.

Then find:

$config['MasterServer']['username'] = 'root';
$config['MasterServer']['password'] = '';

Change the top one to your username for the database and the bottom to the password for the database.

Now save the file. Make sure that you ALWAYS edit between the ' and '. So if the code is

$config['MasterServer']['username'] = 'root';

Your would edit it to be:

$config['MasterServer']['username'] = 'your_username';

Always keeping the little quotes in place.

7. Now you need to delete the install.php file from your includes directory in the new files you are about to upload.

8. Turn your board off.

9. Upload all the files keeping the directory structure and order together. Make sure that you "OVERWRITE" all your old files. If you have a custom skin then do not upload the images directory.

10. After all the files are uploaded and overwritten open your browser to:


Change yoursite.com to your domain and if your forum is not in a forums directory then drop the forums part from the link like so


11. Now you should see a screen asking you for your customer number. Copy and paste it in the box and click the button to start.

12. From here you just wait and let it do its thing. When its done it will tell you. Then you should be all ready to go.

--------------- Added 1294529330 at 1294529330 ---------------

I just opened up my download that I did before trying to upgrade and it has nothing like that. The last thing it has is this

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `visitormessage_hash` (
`postuserid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`dupehash` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
`dateline` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
KEY `postuserid` (`postuserid`,`dupehash`),
KEY `dateline` (`dateline`)

Does that mean I have not backed up my board right?

Yeah actually that is very possible because you usually have to have a dump command at the end of the file. Try backing it up using the Cpanel tutorial I put a link to earlier if you have CPanel. http://www.skinsnstyles.com/xenforo/threads/backing-up-your-entire-site-database-via-cpanel.26/ If you do not have CPanel let me know and I can help you a different way to back it up.

01-08-2011, 09:41 PM
Wow! Ok, I am going to try your step by step instructions. Thank you so very much for laying them out for me.

But before I try that, I need to know if I am backing up correctly. What I have been doing is this.

1. Open my cpanel
2. Open phpMyAdmin
3. Click on the forum
4. Click on export
5. Unclick "comments"
6. Unclick "Complete Inserts"
7. Unclick "Extended Inserts"
8. Change the name of the file (which I usually put the date)
9. Then press go.

Is this correct?

01-08-2011, 09:52 PM
That is not usually the way I use phpmyadmin to do a backup. Not saying it does not work, but I do not untick options on it. I do those options listed above leaving out the untick parts.

Let me ask you something, how large is your forum? How many members, posts threads?

01-09-2011, 01:37 AM
I tried again to back up and all worked good. I had the dumping data info this time. Thank you so very much for helping with that.

The upgrade of the board worked for me too! I have not had any problems as yet. The only thing I lost and didn't think about at the time was something I found on this board about keeping your post count. It was something that I added to the config file but I can't remember what it was.

If anyone has any idea, it would be greatly appreciated.

Again, thank you all that helped me. It was so very much appreciated!

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My forum is not that big. I have 123 members

01-09-2011, 01:58 AM
Did you save the original config file from your 4.0.5 install? If so the code should still be there i would think. If not and you performed the Cpanel backup that I was referring to you would have that file backed up in that zip file. But if you have already overwritten that file then you'll probably have to do a search again for the info to add to your config file.

Glad to have helped. :)

01-09-2011, 03:35 AM
I did end up finding it here.


But unfortunately it doesn't work with this new version.

01-09-2011, 04:27 AM
Yeah there is a good bet that you will not find that one for vb4 at all.

01-09-2011, 05:42 AM
Ok, thank you

Thank you for all your help!