View Full Version : Spam

01-05-2011, 11:09 PM
Since I did the most recent patch, I am getting slammed with new spammers trying to register on my forum. Can someone recommend a mod or something to help?


01-05-2011, 11:55 PM
Since I did the most recent patch, I am getting slammed with new spammers trying to register on my forum. Can someone recommend a mod or something to help?


Try reading this: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php/359107-How-to-Reduce-Spam-and-Registration-Bots

Then look for anti-spam modifications in the 4.x area. Here's a few links:


01-06-2011, 03:01 PM
You dont need an anti spam mod. Just set a question so the bots have to answer it. I haven't a problem since i added "What is 1+1" to the registration.l

01-07-2011, 07:43 PM
You dont need an anti spam mod. Just set a question so the bots have to answer it. I haven't a problem since i added "What is 1+1" to the registration.l

Hehehe you will, give it time one simple question only gives the illusion that your ok for a time then you'll get hit... hopefully you don't JDT but it comes and goes in waves on all the sites I admin on regularly based on size, how popular the site is etc etc.

Digital Jedi
01-07-2011, 09:44 PM
And math isn't really the best option to use for that question. Questions like that are expected, and there's no reason why these automated spam bots, who can read CAPTCHA, can't also calculate a math question. It's similar to people who write:"Put the word "like" in this box." Again, if it can read CAPTCHA...

I like NoSpam! because I can more easily make my own questions more quickly and I can use HTML to put in my own images. (Every person who visits my forum should know who Darth Vader is, and if you don't, THEN YOU CAN'T COME IN!) <ahem> I don't think they did a 4.x version yet, but some of the same questions can still be used. Simple questions, to things everybody should know, like "What color is the sky?", or "What color is the sky when you're in outer space?"

01-07-2011, 10:14 PM
Profile fields using regular expression work fine as well, I introduced 4 new profile fields with images required at registration, they must enter in the letter in RED from each image, the last image an entire word in RED. Since I have introduced this in August of 2010, not one single spam registration. I moderate members on my site but point being, not one fake/spam/bot registration attempt. I do see them 24/7 in the users online with a error displayed while on the registration page.

So you can beat them yes, you can't beat humans who take the time to register then put it on auto-pilot or a human regardless unless you ban their IP then they can use a proxy it truly is a circle of life per say in regards to spam no matter what software you use. You can even have something in place like I do currently but imo at some point I will see one come through human or not.

Digital Jedi
01-08-2011, 04:43 AM
I've found the best deterrent against spam, is persistence.

01-08-2011, 12:33 PM
I have about 3 spam related hacks installed plus the question usually on my forums. But I never use a math question as stated above its not 100% foolproof.