View Full Version : button arcade and help disappeard

01-04-2011, 10:10 PM
I've taken over www.bordercollieforum.nl
The version of the old owner was 4.0.6.
I bought version 4.1.0. sp2 en migrates the whole database and stuf.

The plugin arcade workes fine for the group administrator and registred users.

The other groups unfortunatly can not see the button arcade. When i set the user rank for someone to moderator or supermoderator of any self made rank, the buttons arcade and help are gone.

This happenes in all the templates. The moderators can't also see the mod link in the above corner.

These problems also appear in the old version of the old owner.

Do i have to edit a template or is it a simpel option what i have to activate?

Thanks in advance,

Paul Selten

01-05-2011, 06:44 AM
problem solved!

Previous owner had installed sstab, but at the migration it didn't come along with the rest.
So i've installed sstab, and everything is working fine now.

Greetings Paul

01-05-2011, 07:34 PM
Good to hear it and thank you for posting the solution. :up: