View Full Version : Add simple link to menu (not nav) bar

01-02-2011, 05:11 AM
I run a joomla site that I use a VB forum for. I am simply trying to add a "Home" link in the menu bar of my VB forum that links back to my joomla site, an absolute URL.

It seems like it would be easy enough, but all the guides I've seen out there are for the NAV bar, not the MENU bar.

To be clear, the forum is http://www.inallkindsofweather.com/forum/ and I want to add the link in the orange bar that currently has "Forum" and "What's New" links, not the blue bar that has private messages, FAQ, etc.

01-02-2011, 05:21 AM
I run a joomla site that I use a VB forum for. I am simply trying to add a "Home" link in the menu bar of my VB forum that links back to my joomla site, an absolute URL.

It seems like it would be easy enough, but all the guides I've seen out there are for the NAV bar, not the MENU bar.

To be clear, the forum is http://www.inallkindsofweather.com/forum/ and I want to add the link in the orange bar that currently has "Forum" and "What's New" links, not the blue bar that has private messages, FAQ, etc.

Have you tried:


01-02-2011, 05:50 AM
Those are targeted at fancy dropdown menus and submenu creations. Is it really necessary to create a plugin and everything for a simple link that links to one hardcoded URL?

01-02-2011, 06:22 AM
Those are targeted at fancy dropdown menus and submenu creations. Is it really necessary to create a plugin and everything for a simple link that links to one hardcoded URL?

LOL well no but plugin = no edits when upgrading/changing styles etc otherwise edit the navbar template, and add in:

<li><a class="navtab" href="http://www.yourlink.com">Your Link Name</a></li>

Near the hook location you want so find the {vb:raw template_hook.navtab_middle} OR {vb:raw template_hook.navtab_end} in the template and paste your new tab code before or after one of those ;).

*Remember though if you make a new or install a new style that edit will be lost, if your templates do not merge correctly when upgrading you could be required to add it in manually again, with the plugin that is not required :cool:.

Leonardo Valene
01-03-2011, 02:52 PM
I want to put a link before the "Forum".
I want it like this: Home (http://www.idota.com.br) | Forum (http://forum.idota.com.br)| What's NEW.

Details: I want to put before the Forum link redirecting to my site. That is not the BLog Vbull.

Sorry my bad English. I'm From the Brazil. Not Speak English.

01-03-2011, 02:57 PM
Those are navtabs. There are several modifications to add those as well as a couple of articles in the vB4 Articles section on how to add them.

01-07-2011, 07:27 PM
Alright, I went ahead and made a plugin to do it and it was surprisingly easy. Thanks for all the direction guys.

Leonardo, since I was doing exactly the same thing you're looking for, I'll go ahead and give you the steps here:

- Go to admin site -> Plugins & Products -> Add New Plugin
- For Hook Location, choose "process_templates_complete", and enter whatever title you want
- Choose the radio button at the bottom to set the plugin to active
- Enter the following code in the code box, obviously replacing the URL with the URL to your home page:

$tabselected = '';
$tablinks = '';

$template_hook['navtab_start'] .= '<li'.$tabselected.'><a class="navtab" href="http://www.yourwebsite.com">Home</a>'.$tablinks.'</li>' ;

01-08-2011, 12:07 PM
Vcize - Its throwing an error in Vb 4.1.0

01-08-2011, 04:46 PM
Saying it is throwing an error tells us nothing. What is the error? What is your exact code?

03-30-2011, 03:12 PM
Thanks this worked perfectly for me!

Liquid Shock Ga
04-10-2012, 03:31 PM
Thanks guys this worked great on 4.1.12