12-30-2010, 10:00 PM
vBulletin 4.x users have a stylevar they can set to easily include a banner in the header that stretches the width of the window and is behind the logo. Now vBulletin 3.x users will have the same option.
This mod will let you specify a banner image to use in the header behind the logo and behind any banner ads you may have. See the screenshots for a better explanation.
In addition you can optionally specify 2 images, one to display during the "Daytime" and one at "Night" as determined by the user's local time zone settings in vBulletin.
In either case the banner auto-resizes to the width of the browser window. I find a banner approximately 1280 pixels wide looks decent in most browser resolutions. The height of the banner is manually set in the mod options.
Full instructions in the text file in the .zip file.
Tested With vBulletin 3.8.6 and should work with earlier versions.
Please Mark as Installed if you use this. :)
Two images are included in the zip file, a "Brick Wall" demo banner image you can use to test the mod and a replacement for the default vBulletin 3 logo with a transparent background so if in the unlikely event you still used the default logo this one will work better- as shown in the screenshot with the default logo.
NOTICE: If you use a customized style the auto template edits made by this mod might fail. If that is the case you can manually edit the header template.
Find the first <table> tag in the header template. it will be close to but not exactly this:
<table border="0" width="$stylevar[outertablewidth]" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
Right before the closing > ADD the following code:
style="background : url('/forums/images/misc/yourbanner.jpg'); background-size: 100% 120px;"
This will give you something like:
<table border="0" width="$stylevar[outertablewidth]" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" style="background : url('/forums/images/misc/yourbanner.jpg'); background-size: 100% 120px;">
Remember to change yourbanner.jpg to your banner image, and change 120 to the height, in pixels of the banner image.
This mod will let you specify a banner image to use in the header behind the logo and behind any banner ads you may have. See the screenshots for a better explanation.
In addition you can optionally specify 2 images, one to display during the "Daytime" and one at "Night" as determined by the user's local time zone settings in vBulletin.
In either case the banner auto-resizes to the width of the browser window. I find a banner approximately 1280 pixels wide looks decent in most browser resolutions. The height of the banner is manually set in the mod options.
Full instructions in the text file in the .zip file.
Tested With vBulletin 3.8.6 and should work with earlier versions.
Please Mark as Installed if you use this. :)
Two images are included in the zip file, a "Brick Wall" demo banner image you can use to test the mod and a replacement for the default vBulletin 3 logo with a transparent background so if in the unlikely event you still used the default logo this one will work better- as shown in the screenshot with the default logo.
NOTICE: If you use a customized style the auto template edits made by this mod might fail. If that is the case you can manually edit the header template.
Find the first <table> tag in the header template. it will be close to but not exactly this:
<table border="0" width="$stylevar[outertablewidth]" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
Right before the closing > ADD the following code:
style="background : url('/forums/images/misc/yourbanner.jpg'); background-size: 100% 120px;"
This will give you something like:
<table border="0" width="$stylevar[outertablewidth]" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" style="background : url('/forums/images/misc/yourbanner.jpg'); background-size: 100% 120px;">
Remember to change yourbanner.jpg to your banner image, and change 120 to the height, in pixels of the banner image.