View Full Version : Dissapointed with vB4 (and CMS home page sucks)

Aunt Clara
12-17-2010, 04:54 PM
My list of grievances is long and wide, but right now what has me stumped the most is the fact that I have yet to find a way to make the forum page attractive. I need to have the blog posts and articles from a specific section appear on the front page as they are created. I used two widgets for that but it looks horrible.

Is there any example of an attractive home page somewhere? Can anyone help, pretty please.

12-17-2010, 05:02 PM
My list of grievances is long and wide, but right now what has me stumped the most is the fact that I have yet to find a way to make the forum page attractive. I need to have the blog posts and articles from a specific section appear on the front page as they are created. I used two widgets for that but it looks horrible.

Is there any example of an attractive home page somewhere? Can anyone help, pretty please.

Home page layout is one of those things Clara, that you will be required to tweak and make changes to in order to make it "just right" for your site or in regards to how you believe it should be ;).

Here's some things that are possible:

Creating New Grids/Layouts.
Customizing the templates to add in your own CSS.
Customizing widgets.
Customizing your style to accompany one or all of the changes above.

Now there's also free modifications on here and widgets too simply browse the free modificaitons section for 4.x. If you have seen a site running 4.x and love that layout it's a good idea to post and ask questions about it, other members can point out something on the page that's a mod, lead you in the right direction etc.

12-17-2010, 05:44 PM
How about a link to your Home Page so we can see it and then make suggestions?

The Rocketeer
01-05-2011, 03:10 AM
My list of grievances is long and wide, but right now what has me stumped the most is the fact that I have yet to find a way to make the forum page attractive. I need to have the blog posts and articles from a specific section appear on the front page as they are created. I used two widgets for that but it looks horrible.

Is there any example of an attractive home page somewhere? Can anyone help, pretty please.

I must agree, VB 4 is one of the most confusing, Feature less, and downright ridiculous CMS's I have ever used in my life. I have been using the forum software for the past 1 year and I love it, Love it.. But the CMS is the worst I have ever seen, Just opened a support ticket for my problem, the bloody thing gave me a error while creating a section and now it cant delete that simple section, I have been trying to figure it out for the past 2 days.. Joomla only took 30 mins.

Sorry Guys but when it comes to CMS, VB sucks and really needs to LEARN from WP and Joomla when it comes to USER Friendly CMS, specially ADMIN friendly.:down:

01-05-2011, 03:12 PM
It all depends on what you are trying to do... for me, the CMS is working quite well and I'm not going to have to worry about getting stuck because the developer of it disappeared like has happened to me too many times in the past. There are many ways to format the CMS to look any way you want. I've bookmarked several sites that have a look I'm trying to achieve and I will go back to them when I get a chance and use Fireplug to start figuring out how to move in that direction.