View Full Version : Spell Check for vb4

12-16-2010, 05:42 PM
I do not know about some of you guys, but lots of people start posts,
and can not spell worth crap. Would like to see a spell checker for vb4.1+

I found one for v3.5 - of course this one will do us anygood that are using v4+


I found one for v3.7 - getting closer, but just not there yet:

unless anyone knows if there is already a spell check for v4.x
then please let me know.

very useful tool - we need it for those that can not spel ;)

12-16-2010, 08:25 PM
Spell Checking is something better handled by the browsers than the forums. Chrome, Firefox, Opera have a built in Spell Check... there is a popular add-on for Internet Explorer called "IESpell" that adds a spell checker to IE. If people ignore spell checking in their browsers they'd probably ignore a forum based one as well.

12-17-2010, 01:43 AM
Spell Checking is something better handled by the browsers than the forums. Chrome, Firefox, Opera have a built in Spell Check... there is a popular add-on for Internet Explorer called "IESpell" that adds a spell checker to IE. If people ignore spell checking in their browsers they'd probably ignore a forum based one as well.

Im not so sure they would, I do not ignore it, at least when I see
the line under the wrong word, then I say opps, and go back
and correct it, because I can see it is wrong, maybe they will use
it maybe they wont, maybe they will use your mod, maybe they wont...
but if the option is not there on the forum for them to correct
words, then there is a very high chance they wont bother then.

12-17-2010, 04:24 AM
Have you ever checked your analytics to see what browsers your users are using? The large majority of mine are already using a browser with a built in spell checker that does the red underline automatically.