View Full Version : Usefull mod or possible standard feature.

12-10-2010, 12:11 PM
I've noise this forum with a feature I need for an important project but since now nobody seems can help me :)

Everybody I've asked they said me that it's not possible or too much complicate on vBulletin, but now I've found somthing I need on a forum:

www.perpetuum-online.com (into community ---> Forum). To see it you should register to the game and create a pg into game but the registration is free and even if you cannot choose the characters that you have not if you not ever played you could understand what I mean:

When you are into forum you can see in the upper left corner an image of your agent with the name you created. Near it there is a voice: "switch your agent" to choose another agent of yours to write into forum as him.

This characters are inside the db of the game but I need simpler:

Every user coudl create all the "characters" want inside user c panel of vBulettin with their own picture and info. For every time they wants could switch from all the characters they have....

So into the posts compares the info and picture of that Character and under in little font the name of the real user.

Is this funcion too much difficult to develope? They've done it but on another forum, that is also free. Have I bought a so powerfull software cannot reach to give this function???

Is other forum, free, better then vBulletin???

Thank you for help and answer.

12-11-2010, 12:48 PM
This mid isn't exact but may be of some help-