View Full Version : Miscellaneous Hacks - Roman Numeral Post Counts (Postbit & Profiles) by BOP5

12-08-2010, 10:00 PM
This mod allows you to turn your Post Count from boring regular numbers into ultra-cool high class Roman Numerals.

This has been tested on 3.8.6 and 4.0.8 and should work on all versions from 3.7 through 4.x.x.

Boring post count: :(
Posts: 30

Cool Roman Numeral post count: :cool:
Posts: XXX

This mod will let you make this change in the "postbit" or "postbit_legacy" (whichever you use) so it appears under avatars in posts. You can also optionally enable it for User Profile statistics.

In addition you can limit this to specific forum ids if you don't want to make this change on every forum

Also there is a "Max Value" you can set after which post counts will be normal instead of Roman Numerals. This is because in traditional Roman Numerals the largest value that could be represented was "M" for 1,000. When you used numbers above 1,000 you would have to string multiple M's together, so 10,000 is quite literally 10 M's (MMMMMMMMMM). With larger post counts it's even worse.

Live Demo: http://www.juot.net/forums/showthread.php?t=41828
This is a specific thread in the one forum on my site I have Roman Numerals enabled. Remember users with post counts over 10,000 in my case will appear as normal. Feel free to browse other threads to see more people with lower post counts.

Read the installation instructions included in the .zip file. This is a simple install, 2 plugins and no templates, phrases, databases changes, or manual edits.

Please Mark As Installed if you use this. :)

It has come to my attention there are other Roman Numeral mods out there. This is an original mod by me and I confirmed the codes are different. This one also has more options than the others so i decided to release it anyway. I saw at least 1 author mention he wasn't interested in adding any options to his mod. However the other(s) have their pros as well, I suggest you evaluate both and see which is best for your needs.

12-09-2010, 12:16 AM