View Full Version : Anyone upgrade from vb 3.8.x to 4.x with VBSEO installed on 3.8.x?

12-03-2010, 02:07 AM
Hi Guys,

I'm looking to upgrade vb 3.8.x to the full vb 4.1.0 suite. One of my biggest concerns is the search engine ranking. Currently a majority of my site's traffic is coming from search engines and I'm not quite sure what the impact of the upgrade could be. On top of that we have a lot of inbound links which I assume is using the URL rewrite feature from VBSEO since I've had it for a long time.

So now that I'm ready to upgrade to VB4 I'm not quite sure what to do and what to expect. Do you guys have any experience with this? Do you have any recommendations? Is there a way for the search engine friendly URL from VB4 to replace the VBSEO plugin and make the transition smoothly? Please advise, thanks!
