View Full Version : I need to give a usergroup permissions to close threads

11-29-2010, 11:25 PM

I know that in vB3 is possible to give a usergroup (that is not moderator) permission to close threads and on doing so adding a [CLOSED] prefix to the thread. This can be done on thread tools.


In vB4 I've given the usergroup and created the prefix and it doesn't seem to work. The users can't close their threads on those specific forums. All the forum permissions are set for the usergroup to be able to close the threads they create but it simply doesn't work.

Does anyone know of a hack or something that would enable one or more usergroups to close their own threads on specific forums (not forum wide obviously)? Or is there any way of doing this in the admin CP I'm missing?

Thanks in advance for your help.



11-30-2010, 08:24 PM
Go to admin cp>usergroups>Forum permissions>Select the usergroup you made that you want to allow them to close threads> Then under post/thread permissions, tick Can open/close own threads....

Then just go down the line and do that for all of the forums you have.

11-30-2010, 10:56 PM
Thanks for your reply. I've done that but the usergroup still can't close the threads and that is not the question in itself to be honest. I want them to be able to close the threads but the thread MUST display the prefix [CLOSED] always, that must be the only option they can close threads and they shouldn't have the option to re-open the thread once its closed either.

12-01-2010, 01:17 AM
sounds like you either are needing a mod.. or may want to make them basically moderators with the only permission allowed would be to close threads and edit threads.

on second thought. Besides the permission to close threads you would also have to allow them the permission to edit threads. so they need can edit threads and close threads permission enabled because you must be able to edit threads in order to close them and change the title to closed as you are wanting them to do.

12-01-2010, 04:19 AM
Thanks again for your input.

The idea is to have a menu option on the thread tools menu that only allows them to close the threads automatically adding a [closed] prefix to the thread once they use it.

All users of this usergroup would be able to close threads but only using this option that will automatically add a prefix to the thread when closing. They will not be able to edit titles and not be able to re-open the thread once it is closed either. That's the idea.