View Full Version : cant point to images

11-26-2010, 12:45 AM
Im new to this, so please bear with me, and make sure your answers can be interpreted by a third grader! Lol!, Ive customized a logo to replace the default logo, I saved it to my pictures on my computer, and I can get the correct logo to show up on my vbulletin, however I saved it to photobucket and under stylvars - titleimage I have it pointing to photobucket, I am attempting to do it correctly and save it into my images folder in my hosting account, and I have it saved, but I do not know why it will not show up, maybe I have the path wrong, Im not sure exactly how to point this stylevar to the pic in my images folder, it is saved as a jpeg, Ive tried this (/public_html/images/"name of my logo file") with (my domain) in front of and behind it, without it and every single other combination I can come up with. What am I doing wrong?