View Full Version : Importing a style?

11-21-2010, 07:46 AM
Would someone be kind enough to give me instructions on how to import a new style please? I have tried it a few times but I just cannot get it to work.

Thanks in advance for your help :)

11-21-2010, 11:12 AM
You don't say how far you got Joy, but you go to Styles and templates in the ACP then Download/Upload Styles.
You will get 2 sections on your page, the lower is to upload the style, use the "choose" button to find the xml file on your computer and upload it. (You will have to have uploaded the associated files and images onto the server prior to importing the xml file)
It will usually tell you if there is a problem and once uploaded you should be able to see it in the Style Manager.

11-21-2010, 04:48 PM
Thanks for helping me :)

I have done all that, uploaded the "Xmas" folder in to my "Images" folder. It works to a degree because I can see the logo and the buttons, however there's no snow flakes or any other icons showing including the xmassy backgrounds. I'm beginning to wonder if the styles I am trying to import are not compatible with version 4.0.8 which I am running even though others who are using 4.0.8 have managed to install it after some tweaking.