View Full Version : Spammers of the world - REJECTED!

11-16-2010, 10:37 AM

Wouldnt have a clue how to achieve this idea but some clever bod out there must be able to do this!

All us forum owners suffer on a daily basis from spammers registering and causing extra work for our mods.

If we all work together as a group then this could stamp out spammers on vbulletin - what I propose is this, we need a mod that every time a spammer is caught by anyone who has vbulletin then the details of the spammer should be forwarded to a central database automatically. The database then logs the number of reports of a specific IP address or username / email etc, once a critical number is reached the central database should then be allowed to send a ping to the members who have the mod installed and automatically ban all users that have the same details or ban the IP address that is generating these spam users - if done correctly a mod like this could help all members stay ahead of the spammers and as soon as they start their auto registrations from a new server then within minutes all the members of the mod would be protected.

Its just an idea but hopefully the seed for someone who knows what to do.....

11-16-2010, 05:50 PM
StopForumSpam already does this to an extent.

11-16-2010, 06:57 PM
set up a custom word on registration. Stops them dead in their tracks.

Black Tiger
11-16-2010, 09:27 PM
I use a combination of random questions (there is also a mod for that), build in image and email verification, a mod like stopforumspam and a .htaccess ip blacklist of Asian country's.
Next to that I block yahoo email adresses (all of them).

That seems to help.

11-17-2010, 06:54 AM
What is meant by "set up a custom word on registration" ???

11-17-2010, 09:52 AM
I use a combination of random questions (there is also a mod for that), build in image and email verification, a mod like stopforumspam and a .htaccess ip blacklist of Asian country's.
Next to that I block yahoo email adresses (all of them).

That seems to help.

but most of the spammers are not from asian countrys though.. blocking yahoomail will get you registrations around the world [may be u want only from netherlands].. even with activation from email, verification questions etc still i get some real spammers [not bots] for advtisers for selling .. some from united states, eastern europe, arab , africa etc...