11-16-2010, 06:59 AM
hi. i dont know what its called but on another site of mine made with invisionfree i have this in the header and body template.
<body bgcolor='#FFFFFF' leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" alink='#000000' vlink='#000000'>
<div class='maintitle' align='left'>Welcome to The Warriors</div>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4">
<td class="row2" width="25%" valign="top">
<center><font color=White>
<font color="gold">
<b>[- Leadership Team -]</b></font></center>
<hr color="white">
<font color="crimson"><center><u><b>Founder</b></u><br></font>
src="http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/7774/crownddjq2.png"> <font color="blue">BoW OwN W77</font>
<font color="crimson"><center><u><b>Leaders</b>
src="http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/7774/crownddjq2.png"> <font color="crimson">BoW_Missy</font>
src="http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/7774/crownddjq2.png"> <font color="crimson">BoW_RoyJonez</font>
src="http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/7774/crownddjq2.png"> <font color="crimson">Trent_Of_Pvm</font>
src="http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/4396/crownddblue3qj.png"><font color=#CC3300>Mr_Dreamrider
src="http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/4396/crownddblue3qj.png"><font color=#CC3300>Crashmeplz
<center><img src="http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/3186/crownddgreen5ly.png"><font color="darkorange">Bow_2_Me_Pvm
<center><img src="http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/3186/crownddgreen5ly.png"><font color="darkorange">Mr_Overloads
<center><img src="http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/3186/crownddgreen5ly.png"><font color="darkorange">XHellrazor x
<td class="row2" width="33%" valign="top">
<font color=gold><b> [- Announcements -]</b></font></center>
<hr color="white">
</b><br><br> <marquee direction="up" scrolldelay="35" scrollamount="1" bgcolor="" width="100%" height="130" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()">
<b><font color="white"><u>Welcome to Beasts Of War!</u></font>
<font color="white"><u>-Todays Event-</u></font>
<a href=
Nothing Held </a>
<font color="white"><br><u>- News -</u></font>
<br>All members who do not have the requirements listed on the side have one week to finish getting them.<br>
<font color="red"><u>-Clan Information-</u></font>
<br>Clan chat: Bow_Crashers<br>
<br>Irc Channel:#BeastsOfWar<br>
<font color="orange">BE SURE TO STAY ACTIVE ON BOTH RS AND THE FORUMS!</font></br>
<td class="row2" width="25%" valign="top">
<font color=gold><b> [- Requirments -]</b></font></center>
<hr color="white">
<br>130+ Combat<br>
<br>99 Attack & 99 Strength<br>
<br>85+ Herblore (With Extremes)<br>
<br>69+ Summoning<br>
<br>Full Void/Bandos (fighter torso allowed)<br>
<br>Dragon Claws <br>
<br>Amulet of Fury<br>
<% BOARD %>
now if you go to this link you will see it puts something at the top of the page for me with a scrolling thing in the middle and 2 colums either side of it
how can i get something like that onto my vbulletin website?
is there a mod for it? if so could u link me please
--------------- Added 1289899786 at 1289899786 ---------------
ive found out using the same code works if i place it into header but im not sure were to put it in the header coding. could anyone advise to get it near the top of the page same as the other site?
--------------- Added 1289933253 at 1289933253 ---------------
Never mind the code doesnt work can anyone advise?
--------------- Added 1289966168 at 1289966168 ---------------
someone must know this
--------------- Added 1289966228 at 1289966228 ---------------
someone must know this
<body bgcolor='#FFFFFF' leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" alink='#000000' vlink='#000000'>
<div class='maintitle' align='left'>Welcome to The Warriors</div>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4">
<td class="row2" width="25%" valign="top">
<center><font color=White>
<font color="gold">
<b>[- Leadership Team -]</b></font></center>
<hr color="white">
<font color="crimson"><center><u><b>Founder</b></u><br></font>
src="http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/7774/crownddjq2.png"> <font color="blue">BoW OwN W77</font>
<font color="crimson"><center><u><b>Leaders</b>
src="http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/7774/crownddjq2.png"> <font color="crimson">BoW_Missy</font>
src="http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/7774/crownddjq2.png"> <font color="crimson">BoW_RoyJonez</font>
src="http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/7774/crownddjq2.png"> <font color="crimson">Trent_Of_Pvm</font>
src="http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/4396/crownddblue3qj.png"><font color=#CC3300>Mr_Dreamrider
src="http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/4396/crownddblue3qj.png"><font color=#CC3300>Crashmeplz
<center><img src="http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/3186/crownddgreen5ly.png"><font color="darkorange">Bow_2_Me_Pvm
<center><img src="http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/3186/crownddgreen5ly.png"><font color="darkorange">Mr_Overloads
<center><img src="http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/3186/crownddgreen5ly.png"><font color="darkorange">XHellrazor x
<td class="row2" width="33%" valign="top">
<font color=gold><b> [- Announcements -]</b></font></center>
<hr color="white">
</b><br><br> <marquee direction="up" scrolldelay="35" scrollamount="1" bgcolor="" width="100%" height="130" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()">
<b><font color="white"><u>Welcome to Beasts Of War!</u></font>
<font color="white"><u>-Todays Event-</u></font>
<a href=
Nothing Held </a>
<font color="white"><br><u>- News -</u></font>
<br>All members who do not have the requirements listed on the side have one week to finish getting them.<br>
<font color="red"><u>-Clan Information-</u></font>
<br>Clan chat: Bow_Crashers<br>
<br>Irc Channel:#BeastsOfWar<br>
<font color="orange">BE SURE TO STAY ACTIVE ON BOTH RS AND THE FORUMS!</font></br>
<td class="row2" width="25%" valign="top">
<font color=gold><b> [- Requirments -]</b></font></center>
<hr color="white">
<br>130+ Combat<br>
<br>99 Attack & 99 Strength<br>
<br>85+ Herblore (With Extremes)<br>
<br>69+ Summoning<br>
<br>Full Void/Bandos (fighter torso allowed)<br>
<br>Dragon Claws <br>
<br>Amulet of Fury<br>
<% BOARD %>
now if you go to this link you will see it puts something at the top of the page for me with a scrolling thing in the middle and 2 colums either side of it
how can i get something like that onto my vbulletin website?
is there a mod for it? if so could u link me please
--------------- Added 1289899786 at 1289899786 ---------------
ive found out using the same code works if i place it into header but im not sure were to put it in the header coding. could anyone advise to get it near the top of the page same as the other site?
--------------- Added 1289933253 at 1289933253 ---------------
Never mind the code doesnt work can anyone advise?
--------------- Added 1289966168 at 1289966168 ---------------
someone must know this
--------------- Added 1289966228 at 1289966228 ---------------
someone must know this