View Full Version : Forum settings for non subscribed members

11-15-2010, 12:27 AM
Hi there.

I have started playing around with how I would set this up for a forum I plan to require subscriptions to be able to see at some stage in the future.

There is no issue if you have a subscription - its more how I can control what a member can do who doesn't have a subscription.

I presently have my test forum set to allow a non subscribed member to:

- see the forum and the post headings
- post a new thread to the forum and be able to edit it
- not see the detail of any thread i.e. they can't click on a thread - not even their own!

I think this is pretty much controlled in the permissions by setting to Can view forum = Yes, Can view thread content = No, Can view others threads = Yes, Can post threads = Yes, Can edit own posts = Yes

My issues are:

1. I don't want the post headings to show the user name of who posted the thread - ideally only hidden for this forum - if they do, they can contact that user directly which I don't want. (I do want unsubscribed members to see all the neat threads that they could get their hands on if they subscribed.)

2. I still want a poster to be able access and edit their own thread if possible.

Are there any suggestions re this please?

PS if I change to Can view thread content = Yes, Can view others threads = No then they can edit their post, but don't see others threads displayed. It almost seems to me that there should be two options for view thread content - their own and others and for my purpose these would be set to Yes, No respectively.

Thank you.