View Full Version : WHY is my Sendmessage hyperlinked????? HELP OVER HERE!ARGENT!=(

11-14-2010, 02:11 PM
Please Check my site here:


its hyper linked?

Please Neeed help ASAP!
How can I fix this?!??!

Thanks Alot!

11-14-2010, 02:19 PM
Because you're missing a > and a closing hyperlink tag.

<img src="http://www.saqir-alemarate.com/images/misc/Advetise.jpg"<br />

<center><a href=""><img src="http://www.saqir-alemarate.com/images/misc/Advetise.jpg"></a><br /></div>

Add the part in red to wherever you added the Advertise graphics.

11-14-2010, 02:29 PM
In the Send message page???? please check the text not the picture its hyper linked and try to send a message see what happens....thanks!

11-14-2010, 02:33 PM
I looked at the HTML that your forum sent to my browser.

You opened a link tag with <a=""> but forgot to close it with an </a> at the end. You're also missing the closing > from the <img src="..."> tag.

It's very simple. If you open a window and don't close it, the window lets insects in. Close your link tag and you'll keep the insects out. :)

11-14-2010, 02:41 PM
ummm......where to go to fix that? lol am still a Junior! thanks for the help btw=)

11-14-2010, 02:48 PM
You're on 4.x series, I'm on 3.8 series, so the location is probably different between your forum and mine. Look in your ad templates in AdminCP.

11-14-2010, 02:51 PM
btw, I've Checked the Error and it was from the banner (everything under got hyper linked) as what you said but the HTML Code that you gave me.....lol made my site look weird.....can you please give me the right html codes for both banners?

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hey thanks got that fixed! thumbs up!

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One more question please! when you said:

I looked at the HTML that your forum sent to my browser.

How did you do it? got me confused :confused:

11-14-2010, 07:42 PM
In IE, right-click and then select View Source. Other browsers may be slightly different.

11-15-2010, 05:28 AM
wowo thanks! ;D