View Full Version : HELP! Extended delay in thread re-load after post

11-13-2010, 11:11 PM
Hello all,
I manage a vb4.08 install for an RV Owners club. Since we've been on our latest host ( since August ), we've had an issue of insanely long delays after posting a reply or new thread.

I've done packet captures and watched the developer tools in FF and Chrome and found that the delay isn't in posting the data and waiting for a response... The delay is actually in the query for the original thread after the post has been submitted. This delay can be as short as 10 seconds or so.. but as long as 50 to 90 seconds!

I've performed all the optimizations I've been able to find online ( moving as much to filesystem as possible, disabling gzip in vB since mod_deflate is enabled on the host, converting DB engine to InnoDB, extending Thread cache time, adjusting cache timeout values in the .htaccess file, etc.. ) and thought that it was better...

But now, during peak usage the delay is back on posting. The delay does NOT seem to affect quick reply, at least not as consistently as it does the advanced reply or new thread posting. The delay exists even during off-peak times! Nothing else on the forum is slow. Nothing.. I would expect if server load was an issue ( which it has been in the past ), all activity would be slow.

We're currently hosted on a ESX 3.5i VM w/ 2 vCPUs, 2Gb of Ram running on CentOS 5.5 with apache 2.2.16 and php-5.2.14 ( RPM's from the utterramblings repo ).

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated...


11-14-2010, 03:22 AM
Do you have your own server? I'd suggest posting over on vbulletin.com in the Server Configuration forum for help optimizing the server for use with your site.

11-14-2010, 01:31 PM
Thanks Lynne,
I've done just that. Hope someone has some good ideas.


11-14-2010, 03:40 PM
I am having the same issue since updating to 4.08, I am shopping for a new server and have been doing some work on reducing the database calls, but this delay is extremely long especially if you use the Publish to Facebook box. it often results in people making double post both on the forum and to facebook. they are no longer caught by the error ( this post is a duplicate of one you made in the last 5 min)

Dave Hybrid
11-30-2010, 12:12 PM
I have exactly the same issue running 3.8.6.

Does it on the default template and with plugins disabled.

Advanced reply takes 10-60 seconds to show up after posting.

Quick reply is not affected.

11-30-2010, 02:25 PM
<a href="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?366831-HELP!-Extended-delay-in-thread-re-load-after-post" target="_blank">Here is the thread</a> over on vbulletin.com.

In my instance, it turned out to be a slow response from the mail server. There is a TON of optimizations that eva2000 posted in that thread. While none of it specifically fixed my issue, it did allow exposure of the true problem based on what bit of db query was always in the 'mysql server went away' messages that started after the optimizations.

Re: the mail server, I simply did a 'telnet mailserver 25' and in my instance, it took several seconds to even get the initial 220 mailserver ESMTP response.

Hope this helps!

Dave Hybrid
11-30-2010, 03:03 PM
Thank you so much for the reply, how exactly did you fix any issue regarding a slow mail server, was there some specific mail server setting you changed?

Thanks again.

07-24-2012, 09:19 AM
this just fixed the problem on our 4.2.0 server.. thank you.. It was worse on multi-page threads.

Basically as I understand it.. each time a user does a post, it tries to shoot off an email to every user that has subscribed. If the mail server is unreponsive (ours has been down), it sits there until it eventually times out before returning the user to their post.

It makes sense that longer threads are likely to have more subscribers, and therefore the ones most effected.

We were getting 0-30 second timeouts on some posts. Now is back to 0-1 second.