View Full Version : How can this be done?

11-03-2010, 03:17 PM
Hello there,

I belive there is such mod by which we can increase our statistics to full width even when forumhome sidebar blocks are enabled. By default when side-blocks are enabled the statistics width decreases as forums width decreases but I don't want that because "VSa - Advanced Forum Statistics" don't decreases to that much width and it looks odd.

I am sure there is a mod to solve this problem. I JUST cant find it no matter how much I search.

11-03-2010, 03:49 PM
Have you tried posting in Valter's modification thread? Even if he is busy or does not log in for a day or two another member using it may have found a fix ;).

Alternatively you should be able to adjust this with css no matter what however the sidebar decreases the forumbits for a reason and when your sidebar gets soooo long it will still overlap the statistics if you have stretched it out.