View Full Version : Member Blocks Design

11-01-2010, 07:21 AM
So I noticed something on my forum. I don't know what to think of it at the moment.

It seems like when you view a members profile the member block on the right for some profiles is pushed all the way down so that you see a blank on the right side where the member blocks should be. If you scroll down to the end of the main profile table then you will see it there.

While on other member profiles it's where it should be at the top right.

As far as I can tell, no member has modified their profile.

This makes no sense as to why it's happening.

I upgraded to 3.8.6 and have noticed this now. I thought it was my skin, but I can't see how this would be happening.

Anyone else encounter this issue?

EDIT: I should add NO membersinfo templates have been edited or touched. They are all default 3.8.6 templates.

Also I upgrade to 3.8.6. So I'm not sure if it's a problem in the version itself.

I have to head off for the night. I might try playing with the memberinfo css to move the blocks to the left side and see if that helps or not.

11-01-2010, 02:30 PM
Sounds like a CSS thing. You'll need to post links to profiles we can see though if you want us to take a look.

11-01-2010, 03:32 PM
I don't have a live site yet. Working on it at home before I launch it. I'll post images as soon as I get home from work.

However, if this was a CSS issue? Why would it only effect a few profiles? Most profiles seem to work fine. However there still a few ones that have this problem.

If this was a CSS problem then wouldn't it affect all profiles? I was thinking it was CSS related too until I saw many working profiles. Then it got me wondering how CSS would only effect certain profiles.

And the oddest part is the fact that no memberprofile templates have been edited.

11-01-2010, 06:39 PM
Take a look and see if the 'problem' profiles have different profile fields filled out... or different tabs showing... or more friends.... or.... there must be some sort of difference between them. I am guessing the the 'problem' ones are showing something on the page that the others are not and that either the css or the html for this 'something' is causing the issue.

11-01-2010, 11:16 PM
I've uploaded some images.

Too me the one thing I noticed was the tabs.

hmm not sure how to explain it. It seemed like the only pattern similar was the fact that those users seem to have more tabs than others. So then what happens is we see the arrow displaying more tabs.

I disabled a few different hacks eg. blog, user tagging and few others. It seemed like when there was one less tab, then the members block moved up back to where it's supposed to be.

So say if I disable the blog plugin. Well the members block moves back to where it was and everything seems normal. It's something to do with the tabs, but I'm not sure what... Or is there a limit set for the amount of tabs the profile page can handle?

EDIT: After thinking it was the tabs, I did find a similar problem here: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?290517-Profile-Layout-Problem

11-02-2010, 03:12 AM
I tried loading the default style and it has the same problem.

It seems like it's definitely something with how many tabs you can have displayed.

Is there a way to limit or cut it off earlier? I know it automatically decides to have a arrow, which displays more tabs you can choose from. But is there a way to set our own limit. I'm sure if I could do that, then this problem would go away.

11-02-2010, 03:35 AM
I really can't tell. I can't duplicate the problem on my site in order to see what is causing the problem.

11-02-2010, 04:33 AM
Lynne. I am thinking this is related to the blog.

I deleted the hook for the tabs, so no mods including the blogs would show up. And the profile page was normal.

Then I manually ONLY added the blocks[blog] and it displayed the blog tab and then my profile template was broken.

So right now it seems like it could be a bug with the blog system. There are a few others, who had the same problem.

And as mentioned earlier, if I disable the blogs plugin everything works fine too.

11-02-2010, 01:54 PM
Unfortunately, I do not have the blog for 3.x, so I can't test this on my test site and see what is going on.

11-02-2010, 11:52 PM
Well I will have to submit it as a bug.

BTW, since you are part of the staff. Are they not allowed to give you the blog to test this problem?

I think this problem started when I upgraded to 3.8.6. I was running 3.8.2 for the longest time and it worked fine.

So something happened after the upgrade.

11-03-2010, 01:42 AM
I've never really needed the 3.x blog since we very rarely get tickets about it and even then, I can answer most of the types of tickets we do get without actually having it (how do I upgrade it? what does this option do? etc.).

You do know that 3.8.7 B1 and the latest blog were just released yesterday?

11-03-2010, 02:38 AM
I've never really needed the 3.x blog since we very rarely get tickets about it and even then, I can answer most of the types of tickets we do get without actually having it (how do I upgrade it? what does this option do? etc.).

You do know that 3.8.7 B1 and the latest blog were just released yesterday?

ya, but I don't have access to it.

As for the problem.. it's possible the 2.0.3 hasn't fixed it.

Maybe one of the devs at vB can confirm the problem.

11-05-2010, 07:34 PM
OK, I've installed the Blog, version 2.0.2, and I'm having no issues with the right side blocks even though I have several added tabs on my profile that require them to be hidden under the >> in the tabs menu. I haven't touched the settings, and I've made one blog entry to make sure I have a blog tab. Any other hints and what you may have done differently on your site to cause the issue with the blog?

11-06-2010, 02:46 AM
I found out today.. I believe it was was another mod causing the issue.

It's odd because disabling the blog helped, but this mod in particular was doing something related to rendering BBcodes.

Luckly it has been updated and now things work fine to this point.

Thanks for the help Lynne.

Appreciate it a lot.

11-06-2010, 02:51 AM
Glad you got it figured out. :)