View Full Version : Seperate post counts for specific sections only.

10-23-2010, 06:09 PM
Hey there. First post the site, and I have a question. Go figure, right? :)

Is there a way to have two separate post counts for a single user? As in one running count of all posts, and a second total that only counts posts within certain sections on the forum? We run a forum that has certain perks available to users once they hit a certain number of posts, but we want to make sure that the posts being counted are content oriented and not all from the off-topic sections. While just disabling post count increases in the off-topic forums is easier, we would like those posts to still feed into a total running count, while keeping track of how many are from the "legitimate" sections of the board.

I looked through mods and didnt see anything that would allow this. If there is something I missed that may help, let me know!
