View Full Version : Tciketing System

10-15-2010, 05:41 PM

We are running a vBulletin forum and are planning to upgrade to 4.x soon (from 3.8.6) and are considering if we may switch to 4.x publish suite rather than just upgrading the forum software.
Currently we are trying to find out how we could benefit from the publish suite, especially regarding one of our biggest wish to have a ticketing system included for tracking essentially all requests within customer support requests, internal support requests, feature requests, bugs and other tasks. Ideally it should integrate with vBulletin so that when a new forum thread is created a new ticket is also created at the same time and within the forum is the ability to flag a ticket as closed (from the forum) when the thread is considered closed. The forum based tickets should be viewable in the all of the ticketing queues so that they can be managed and tracked to ensure response times and other conditions are met.
We also would like to include email support lists, and convert them to request tracking monitored lists which also create support tickets for every email so that they are tracked properly in one unified system, both forum and email support requests.
Our question is if there are any a plug-ins or other ways to integrate existing ticketing software through vBulletin that support these features.
The only hints we have found yet is the existence of the open source project 'Project Tools' and the add-on 'microSUPPORT', what might not meet our demands. We are looking for a more powerful software, that may be accessed via Single sign-on (SSO) .

Thanks for any information in advance.