View Full Version : Does VB really hate people adding mods?

10-15-2010, 12:19 AM
I've been told that they do. Is this true?

So if you have a technical issue that involves a mod or is caused by one, they aren't very fond of helping you?

10-15-2010, 12:23 AM
That's not the reason why. Mods are developed by 3rd parties not affiliated with vBulletin themselves. As a result, they cannot take responsibility for any damage caused by a faulty mod.

If they didn't want people modding it though, they could have .... and basically screwed their brand cause almost every vbulletin forum uses at least a mod or two here and there.

10-15-2010, 12:26 AM
That's not the reason why. Mods are developed by 3rd parties not affiliated with vBulletin themselves. As a result, they cannot take responsibility for any damage caused by a faulty mod.

If they didn't want people modding it though, they could have .... and basically screwed their brand cause almost every vbulletin forum uses at least a mod or two here and there.

Gotcha. Thank you.