View Full Version : vB.org 4?

10-13-2010, 10:33 PM
I Was just curious, i can imagine the huge amount of work there would be involved but are there any plans to upgrade vB.org to vB4 in the near future?

Ive looked around for a topic but cant find one.

10-13-2010, 10:51 PM
There's about a bajillion posts on this over the years. The short answer is they will probably never upgrade- the site works for their needs as is.

10-13-2010, 11:00 PM
lol @ "a bazillion posts on this over the years" -- you are quite right.
I don't think the "official" answer is 'never' though - I was under the impression that there are plans to upgrade in the future, but "just not yet" lol


10-26-2010, 09:45 AM
God I truly hope vg.org never upgrades to v4.
I hate v4 for its horrible design. Even vB 2.x looked better.

Chris Gwynne
10-26-2010, 10:12 AM
vB4 is an overbloated, ugly piece of crap. I wish they never expanded and got out of the vB2.x, vB3.x stage. They ruined vBulletin.

Paul M
10-26-2010, 05:21 PM
..are there any plans to upgrade vB.org to vB4 in the near future?
In the near future ?


10-27-2010, 03:06 AM
It really says something about their product in my opinion and I would say in from a publicity point of view... When the developer will not even use their latest product in public in all aspics & rather elect to use an older ( v 3.6.12 ) product which is currently in or close to "end of life".

10-27-2010, 05:16 AM
It really says something about their product in my opinion and I would say in from a publicity point of view... When the developer will not even use their latest product in public in all aspics & rather elect to use an older ( v 3.6.12 ) product which is currently in or close to "end of life".

It would take an immense amount of work to develop new mods and styles to work with vbulletin 4, it's not a testament to the 'failure' of a product at all. The current version works for what vb.org need it to, and they've put in alot of work to get it that way.

vBulletin 4 isn't that bad, you have to put some effort in, but it can be made a stable and stylish forum. I've put the work in on my site and would never consider moving down to 3.8, I now have a forum system that I and my members enjoy.

10-27-2010, 06:03 AM
Probably waiting until VB4 goes Gold TBH :D

In all seriousness though it wouldn't do any harm to upgrade to VB4 here.

Paul M
10-27-2010, 12:14 PM
It really says something about their product in my opinion.
Its says nothing at all about vb4.

I do wonder what it says about people who think the most important thing about vbulletin.org is the version of vb it runs on.

10-27-2010, 06:42 PM
Its says nothing at all about vb4.

I do wonder what it says about people who think the most important thing about vbulletin.org is the version of vb it runs on.

I disagree with that. Either it says something about the vBulletin product or it says something about the staff behind vBulletin and its sistersites. What's a wonder is that people continually justify the use of vB 3.6.x on vB.org because it'll be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much work to upgrade all the custom mods blablabla ==> Poppycock!

vB.org is a community of coders, designers and vB enthusiasts. The upgrade to vB 4.x would not be such a HUGE job in my assessment no matter the amount of customization that has gone into it creation... BUT it would be a foolish decision if you only take into consideration the amount of bug fixes that have come out since the gold debacle.

An "official" software site (and all sistersites) should be running the latest, greatest version of their own product. This seems a no-brainer to me.

But then again - I imagine the vB.org staff is mostly a volunteer one... But we're not talking about a mickeymouse organization - we're talking about a million dollar business. Surely if vB 4.x series was stable enough - vB.org would have been upgraded when it landed on the scene. It would be a way to BOAST that vBulletin is the best software. Period.

As it seems though = noone's boasting.

That's my opinion anyway :P

10-27-2010, 10:23 PM
In the near future ?


In the near future and never hopefully.

I don't want my beloved vb.org to look like butt ugly vB4.

Paul M
10-27-2010, 11:53 PM
That's my opinion anyway :P
Which of course you are perfectly entitled too, however wrong it may be ;)

10-28-2010, 12:57 AM
Which of course you are perfectly entitled too, however wrong it may be ;)

lol - okay...
It'd be interesting to know what's going on behind the scenes I guess. Then would be able to formulate a more accurate opinion lol - but seriously - I'm quite glad that vB.org is running the 3.x series - I honestly am not much a fan of the 4.x

Chris Gwynne
10-28-2010, 03:04 PM
An "official" software site (and all sistersites) should be running the latest, greatest version of their own product. This seems a no-brainer to me.

That's all that's relevant really. It doesn't look good for vBulletin when their sister website doesn't want to upgrade to the latest vBulletin software.

Customer: Hi, I'm thinking about purchasing vBulletin, but you don't seem to be running it yourself? How come?

vBulletin.org: We don't like vB4, we don't want to because we can't be bothered.... or any other reason that will now dissuade a customer from buying.

10-28-2010, 08:48 PM
An "official" software site (and all sistersites) should be running the latest, greatest version of their own product. This seems a no-brainer to me.

That's all that's relevant really. It doesn't look good for vBulletin when their sister website doesn't want to upgrade to the latest vBulletin software.

Customer: Hi, I'm thinking about purchasing vBulletin, but you don't seem to be running it yourself? How come?

vBulletin.org: We don't like vB4, we don't want to because we can't be bothered.... or any other reason that will now dissuade a customer from buying.

I think that makes my point nicely (thank you).

Paul M
10-28-2010, 09:55 PM
Customer: Hi, I'm thinking about purchasing vBulletin, but you don't seem to be running it yourself? How come?

vBulletin.org: We don't like vB4, we don't want to because we can't be bothered.... or any other reason that will now dissuade a customer from buying.

vbulletin.org doesnt sell vbulletin.

Your trolling is becoming tiresome now (third thread). Id advise against keeping it up.

This thread has no useful purpose, its been done to death in a few others. Closed.