View Full Version : Facebook

10-12-2010, 09:51 AM
I have activated the Facebook Connect feature in vb4 and not being a Facebook knowledgeable person I have a question.

I created a page in Facebook using the name of my site.

To use vb4 facebook Connect Feature I found I had to create a personal profile as well.

The question is how can I publish a thread, post etc to the Facebook Page of my site and not to my personal profile?

10-13-2010, 12:02 AM
That's a bit of a long stretch unless you custom code it. Not impossible...just need some skill. However, you can use a combination of RSS Graffiti (fb app) and your forum's RSS feed to publish all new threads created from the forum (since that's what the RSS outputs) to your fanpage... so fans can see it.

10-13-2010, 12:19 AM
Thanks Bradley

Smart way of doing it but the only unfortunate thing is that I don't have my forum rss switched on as this makes people keep on coming back to the site...if the RSS is on I found a lot of them just use the RSS feed and only came back to my site if there was a topic of interest. Once I turned the RSS off the site visitor and user numbers jumped

10-13-2010, 12:32 AM
Yea I see your point on the issue. Hopefully someone else has a solution.