View Full Version : Live updates box & Private Chat Box

10-08-2010, 06:55 PM
the live updates box would show when ever one of your friends sign in to the site, upload a new photo, post a new thread, reply to a thread, create a poll, voted on a poll, becomes new friends with somebody else. and links going to these things such as new friends would have a link going to that persons profile. a newly uploaded photo would take you to that photo etc etc .

the chat box needs to be private for each user , also need to be able to click on the persons name inside of the chat box that is sending the msg so you can reply back to just that person and that msg would show in that persons chat box. Also if you have people blocked on vbulletin then have it where those users cant send you chat msgs. time sent would be a must along with the username and then the chat msg that was sent.

If somebody could build these 2 options for vbulletin i am sure a ton of people would use these them. They would keep traffic on your site much much longer periods of time and keep the users coming back much more often , people want to be able to chat and see whats going on while browseing the site , new profiles, new threads, new photos!

They can go right under the navbar on every page. 50% and 50% and about 70 or 80 in height and make scroll bars

If you would use this mod, please reply back and bump this thread so somebody will make it. i have also put this in paid services. i would pay up to 200$ for this mod and pay for yearly updates.

10-16-2010, 08:37 AM
bump for this