View Full Version : Seeking help...

10-07-2010, 08:42 PM
Greetings All,

I am looking for these 3 (may be 2 or may be just 1?) modules, I do not what mods these are and where they can be found:

1. Please see attached file '1'. You will see towards the bottom of the page the sections called 'Thread Information' and 'Members who have read this thread : 14'.

Can someone tell me where what these 2 (or 1?) mods are and where I can get them from?

2. Please see attached file '2'. You will see towards the bottom of the page the section called 'Similar Threads'.

Can someone tell me where what this mod is and where I can get it from?



10-07-2010, 08:54 PM
Thread Information - to show users browsing thread - vboptions > Thread Dispaly Options > Show Users Browsing Threads

Similar Threads - vboptions > Thread Dispaly Options > show Similar Threads... note this:
This setting will only work if you have 'Automatic Similar Thread Search' enabled in the message searching options section.
So go to vboptions > message searching options > Automatic Similar Thread Search Then go to Maintenance > Update Counters > Rebuild Similar Threads

10-07-2010, 09:13 PM
Thank you for this. Please see the attachment '3'. You will see towards the bottom of the page the section called 'Random Gallery Images'. Kindly let me know what this specific module is and from where I can get it.



10-07-2010, 10:27 PM
Sorry, but I don't know that mod. Try a search on "gallery" in "all mods" "titles only" and perhaps you will find it.