View Full Version : BB Code Enhancements - BB Code - 2D Barcode Generator (Android/iPhone) BBCode

10-04-2010, 10:00 PM
Live Demo: http://www.juot.net/forums/showthread.php?t=48012

This is a nifty BB Code to generate QR compatible 2D "Barcodes" that getting more popular due to their compatibility with Android, iPhone, and other smart-phone devices. You can encode any text you want in a 2D Barcode up to 250 characters. The most likely use you will have for this is to encode a URL someone will then scan and follow.

These barcodes are generated and hosted by this site:


They reserve the right to alter or cancel this project at any time so I strongly urge you to save important barcodes locally so you have a copy. While there will always be free barcode generators out there it is less likely there will always be free ones that allow hosting of the code and a public API to interface with.

Using this BB Code is simple, put the data you want between tags. Usually this will be a URL but it could also be plain text. In this implementation the encoded text will appear in a small font below the image. Also since I expect most will be URL's clicking on the image will open the URL in a new browser tab or window. If the data encoded isn't a URL though you will get a "404 Page Not Found" error.

You are obviously free to edit the replacement text to remove the link and/or text per your preference. If you need help doing this just ask.

Note you MUST include the "http://" to be compatible with most smart phones and for the link to work properly.

To install this BB Code on your vBulletin forum:

Go to the Admin CP...

Add a New BB Code

Title: QR 2D Barcode
BB Code Tag Name: qr

<div style="font-size:8pt;"><a href="{param}" target="_blank"><img src="http://qrcode.kaywa.com/code/{param}" border="0"></a><br />{param}</div>

Description: Embed QR Formatted 2D Barcodes
Use Option: No
Button Image: (optional) (attached)
Remove Tag If Empty: Yes
All Disable Options: Yes

Please Mark as Installed if you use this.

Visit my new BB Code Depot (http://www.juot.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=57) forum for more BB Codes, for help with existing codes, and to make requests.

Download a copy of the .txt file for backup.

10-05-2010, 02:58 PM