View Full Version : Difficulty Getting Statusicons To Display in Widget

10-04-2010, 08:21 PM
I created a new General Search Widget which I configured to essentially display a forum list on my home page, and that works fine. I added the following code with the intention of adding the forum statusicons to that list:

<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_statusicon}/{vb:raw forum.imageprefix}forum_{vb:raw forum.statusicon}-48.png" class="forumicon" id="forum_statusicon_{vb:raw forum.forumid}" alt="" />

When the little red X's appeared, I viewed the source and got this:

<img src="images/statusicon/forum_-48.png" class="forumicon" id="forum_statusicon_248" alt="" />

It's not catching the (vb:raw forum.statusicon) bit in the code, which spits out "new" or "old" in order to pick the appropriate statusicon.

Obviously I'm missing something, can someone help please? I've recieved no response whatsoever from vB.com. TY

10-13-2010, 08:05 PM
A respectful bump...:)

10-13-2010, 08:26 PM
And did you do anything to the query to make sure this information is even available to output the statusicon?

10-13-2010, 08:33 PM
Hi Lynne....thanks so much for your reply.

No, I did not, all I did was what I posted above. I assumed (sorry, I know that's a bad thing to do) that since it's all meshed in with vB that the variables would be available for the CMS files, and I also assumed that since the CMS outputs the forum info fine, that it *should* output the statusicon data also.

So, I guess my next question would be if the variable isn't available for the widget, can you tell me how to make it so?


11-08-2010, 10:36 PM
Just wanted to add to my question that I have searched to try and find the answer to my question and have not found anything. I would really appreciate an answer, or at least a bump in the right direction....

11-09-2010, 12:16 AM
Probably go look at packages/vbcms/widget and find the widget you are using and check the query there.