View Full Version : A few questions before upgrade to vB 4.0.x

09-29-2010, 07:56 PM
Currently my vBulletin forum is at version 3.7.1 -- I would like to upgrade it to 4.0.x

I've run through some upgrade tests and everything went fine, except for the video portion (see next paragraph)

The major mod that will definitely require attention with this upgrade, because I need the existing videos to be worked into 4.0.x, is the Video-Directory Remixed. I have thousands of videos! So integrating them is crucial to my site! I own a domain similar to myninchemarketvideos.com and would like to integrate that into my main site if it will be helpful SEO wise? My main site hypothetically is mynichesite.com

Where I am now:
• I have a niche market that I am the leading site on the internet. So I would like to take full advantage of my sites potential. I would like to continue to GROW!
• My "CURRENT" site is built upon a vB Forum in the /forum directory and CMPS (vBAdvanced) in the root.

Now for some general statements, to help me get to where I WANT to go .. because I don't know what to put in root and what to put in /forum and what to put elsewhere? Really need some help with this portion before hiring someone to help me with the rest.
• I would like to continue to work with my massive library of videos. I've thought about clip-share and integrating it into vB? I've thought about the mod similar to the current one (but can't get it to integrate and author is of no help)
• I would like to make full use of the blogs for my Members. I imagine that would be great for SEO? Give them a special place to blog about our ninche market.
• SEO is key in this upgrade. It is one of the main reasons why I am upgrading.
• New templates and design of my site, fresh new look!
• I would like a fresh and constantly changing front page.
• I would like to EASE the ability to entice the users to sign up / register for a membership!
• Eventually, I would like to integrate some "international" functionality. (ability for users to change language)
• Eventually, I would like to integrate an online store into the front page, and also off the front page. (So I am trying to think ahead in the build of this new site)

What should I be using?
• vB CMS in root and vB Forums in /forum
• CMPS (vBAdvanced) in root and vB Forums in /forum
• Something else entirely in root? vB Forums in /forum
• What about future expandability, with desire to integrate an online store? Should I consider Joomla as a front page and utilize VirtueMart as the shopping cart? Can that all be tied into vBulletin?

Please .. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am really lost on what I should upgrade to, before diving into the re-creation of my site. I am going to hire help once I have the groundwork laid out. So any help laying out the architectural structure of the NEW site .. would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You Soooo Much!

09-29-2010, 11:32 PM
I personally would use wordpress or joomla . If you want to have a smooth integration of users i would use joomla as it has good plugins for integrating users. It does have a couple good shop scripts also. I personally used wordpress for mine as i did not need user intergration and shop. If you want to take a look you can. Here is my site ..it is digital downloads also.


also i have done alot of sites complete vb and it never works out for my clients. VB is not verse enough and vbadvance is not up to par yet. Any questions let me know ..also if need to chat about either things just PM me .I have done tons of forums and always used different front end ...I go by that old saying " Don't put all your eggs in one basket "

also integration of virtue mart not sure what you are wanting ? I do not like integrating my shop cause then people have to sign up on your forum and sometimes you get guest that just want to buy ... just depends on what your niche is i guess.

10-04-2010, 07:23 PM
Thought of a few more scenarios. Let me know what you think my options are?

Joomla for CMS in root
Wordpress for BLOG in /blog?
vBulletin in /forum?
phpFox for a /fanspace?

Can they all be integrated to same user db? Should I just keep it simple? I'm trying to convert my plain forum into a powerful site, with major SEO and potential for generating and delivering great content .. along with user participation (via blogs)

I own 4.0 with CMS .. but wondering if there is a better solution? Please, any help would be appreciated. Really want to take my site to the next level.

Thank You