View Full Version : textarea background images

09-12-2010, 06:16 PM

I was trying to add a "watermark"-style .gif image (containing writing like "Please use code tags, blah blah") for when people are submitting posts.

I added it to the "Background Image" field in the wysiwyg_textbox_background StyleVar, and it seemed to work when replying to a post, but not for new posts - even though those editors look exactly identical.

What am I missing?

It that the right place to be doing that - I presume it should be possible somewhere in vB without resorting to editing any of the CSS templates?

Also, is it really necessary to specify a complete URL when changing that i.e. "url('http://.....')" - that doesn't seem to bode very well for portability.

Any advice would be greatly received :)

Best regards.