View Full Version : Custom Tags

09-05-2010, 04:04 PM
I'm trying to figure out how to write custom tags.

What I want to do is make a tag


and a person could put the card name within the tag and it would pull up the info on that card in a pop up. the card info would be coming from my online store.

09-05-2010, 11:24 PM
If by tag you mean "BB Code" (something like ) you make that with the BB Code Manager in your Admin CP, "Add a New BB Code."

You need to put in "Replacement HTML" - that is the HTML code vbulletin will insert when it finds the BB Code tags in a post. Inside the the replacement HTML you use {param} to put whatever info you put between the tags into the HTML... so if you call cards by id number say you would use your tag like 1013 and somewhere in the HTML you can add the "1013." If you have 2 custom fields you can make a BB Code with an option, in which case you'd call the card with something like 1013 and use {option} in the HTML replacement to insert "white" in this example.

It may be a little hard to explain but it's really very easy- I suggest going to the mods section and looking at some of the BB Codes so you can see how it works.