View Full Version : Changing the Landing Page

09-02-2010, 08:35 AM
How do I change it so that when I go to my www.domainname.co.uk site it doesn't take me direct to the 'Who Are We?' page in the Home CMS. I would like to know how to:

1) Make my 'What's Going On?' page my landing page as this is the primary news page for my site
2) Delete the 'Who Are We?' page, because I am making my own FaQ.php page for that

I am a bit of a coding n00b, so apologies if I don't get it straight away.

09-02-2010, 03:08 PM
It's probably the index.php page that is redirecting you to the content.php page. Open it up and you'll see the code that is doing the redirecting and just change where it redirects to.

I have no idea what a Who Are We page is, so I can't tell you how to delete it. If it's just in the CMS, then it's probably just an article that you may delete.

09-02-2010, 08:38 PM
Cheers Lynne. Had another look at it all and I'd accidentally prioratised a certain page and built all the other pages inside it, doh!

Its all coming together now though :)