View Full Version : Frustrated. Trying to change my status icons.

08-29-2010, 03:52 PM
I am a talk show host, and I am trying to change my status icon on the left panel - the ones with NEW THREADS and OLD THREADS.

A few years ago, I had someone install my board, so I rarely do anything with the code and anything outside the admin panel.

I deleted the forum_old.gif and the forum_new.gif inside the FORUM>IMAGES>SATUS ICONS. My thought was to replace them with the images that I wanted for the change.

Now I'm getting broken images on my board.


A pack of gum for some help?? Its frustrating when you don't know what you're doing.

Thanks SO MUCH!

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I was wanting to use these as the icons:

OLD POSTS http://godofradio.com/status1.png

NEW POSTS http://godofradio.com/status2.png

DaRK mAN306
08-29-2010, 04:09 PM

That's true, it's really frustrating when you want to do something but you don't really know how to do it .!

Now, the first thing, you're posting in the wrong forum because your forum version is 3.7.2 and this forum deals with version 4.x .!

Anyway, that's a moderator talk and not mine .. I entered your forum and the problem as I can see is just like you explained >> No forum_old.gif and no forum_new.gif !! Other Icons like forum_link works perfectly .!

So what you should in order to make this work is this:
Just change the icons extension from (png) to (gif) :D >> e.g. From (forum_new.png) To (forum_new.gif) ..
Refresh your forum using (Ctrl+F5) from the keyboard ..
ENJOY .!This is what I call the old school way :) ..
If it didn't work - and I'm pretty sure it'll work - just notify me so that I can give you the clean solution for this ..

08-29-2010, 04:14 PM
have you tried to create a forum_old.gif and put it into the statusicon folder?

and refresh the browser ?

08-29-2010, 04:26 PM
Hey thanks fellas. I just went in, loaded the pics that I wanted to use. Then renamed them to forum_old.gif. That worked after I refreshed. I can't believe I overlooked that. Thanks very much!! Sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum. I am going to start coming by here more often.