View Full Version : just upgraded to php4, now avatars don't work?

08-16-2000, 06:32 AM
Just upgraded to PHP4, if that makes a difference.

Now when viewing the posts, some avatars show up and some don't.

Anyone else experience this?



08-16-2000, 02:47 PM
Well I see that it is some of your users with Custom Avatars that aren't working now but some are which is very strange. I use php4 and everything works fine for me. Hrmm.

Try and have some users with broken icons, re-upload their avatar and see if that fixes it. I'm starting to believe that something between PHP3 and PHP4 is different in regards to saving the image to the database and then reading it back causing a broken image.

You obviously did not change any code and since some users with personal icons are having no problems I am stumped at the moment.