View Full Version : separate subscription page

Tech NO Babble
08-27-2010, 04:02 PM
Is it possible to take /payments.php and create a new page that only has "Available Subscriptions" on it?



08-27-2010, 09:54 PM
that seems like it would be as easy as you make it sound, just add a tab that directs you to that page and setup the subscribtions of course

Tech NO Babble
08-28-2010, 01:51 PM
wow...sometimes the brain doesn't make the correct connections!

Yeah, it does seem easy today. Yesterday I was thinking I needed to pull the code off of the vBulletin page. However today, I see clearly.

One would copy the html to a new page and then take html for the order button so it fires the correct page. Transfer the html to a newly created page and there you have it. We have been thinking of adding other pages outside of the program which not at the root of the server but in a folder called /forums/.

If I was to add the button from the payments/php page to a paid-membership-benefits.php page, I don't see how the order button could be configured to understand that it is outside of the forum.

And to be tricky, is there a snippet of code that someone would like to share that would allow paid members to bypass the "paid-membership-benefits.php page?

I believe most will want me to use the forum based .php extra pages, and I think that will be fine. My question about that would be: how does extra pages deal with upgrades?

Thanks again everyone for taking time to read and reply,

Alex Molitor