View Full Version : Member page

08-27-2010, 10:16 AM
This is what i'm looking to do on a website (1 or both of these things)......

1) A type of ticket support service. So when members log in they can go and submit a ticket for support. As normal this will be a page that only the member can see and the admin. They submit a message and the admin can reply and only that member can see it etc.

2) A similar thing to above, but maybe instead of a ticket support service, just have an individual page that is unique to a user. This would mean a member can log in, go to their page which only they (and Admin) can see. They can then post a message on that page for the Admins. The Admins can then reply to that message and the member is the only one that can see it. So instead of doing it via private messaging, it is more like posting a message or similar to the profile comments etc. But it has to be a page only that particular user can see.

Is any of this possible? I hope I explained it well.

08-27-2010, 10:19 AM
You can create this type of system based off of a forum, but with forum permissions.
Permissions for the groups you wish to have support tickets:
"Can See Others' Threads" to No
"Can See Own Threads" to Yes
Permissions are default for the groups that can administrate the tickets.
Permissions for guests should be all "no."

08-27-2010, 10:27 AM
You can create this type of system based off of a forum, but with forum permissions.
Permissions for the groups you wish to have support tickets:
"Can See Others' Threads" to No
"Can See Own Threads" to Yes
Permissions are default for the groups that can administrate the tickets.
Permissions for guests should be all "no."wow quick reply. :up:

I'm not planning on using a forum, it will be a forumless site, although I'm aware it is part of the Suite.

So all i would need to do is set up one bit on the forum. Set guests permission all to 'no'. Set the other settings that you mentioned as well. So the members will see just one section on the forum called "support" or whatever and they will only be able to see the threads they make.

08-27-2010, 10:42 AM
That, or look for some kind of php ticketing system online, if you do plan for it to be forumless.

One example I remember from the old days (before I made my own stuff) is http://osticket.com/

And yeah, quick reply simply cause I'm online at the right time :p 'Bout to head off.