08-23-2010, 02:01 PM
Good day! and thanks for reading.
I am running a product support board and where users also can advertise about their products (whatever they want to do about theirselves). But this is for selected members only who request us and have good qualification to do so.
I see a vb forum, which has a thread section to request about sales section permission, once you granted you can post 1 thread with your likings per 30 days. Thread is readable by everyone, but none can post to it. nor one create another thread.
Registered Users: Can see sales section (particular forum) postings but can not create one.
Registered User with special access: Can post a thread per 30 days. (even he can't post in his thread also.
I want to achieve this level of settings for special access to specific forum.
One more thing I notice, Particular user groups get access to post in that section without activating (auto set in user groups)
Also, when that particular user-group will set to normal member, they will still have access to post in that specific forum.
I can give more specifications if anyone require, Any suggestion will be appriciated
I am running a product support board and where users also can advertise about their products (whatever they want to do about theirselves). But this is for selected members only who request us and have good qualification to do so.
I see a vb forum, which has a thread section to request about sales section permission, once you granted you can post 1 thread with your likings per 30 days. Thread is readable by everyone, but none can post to it. nor one create another thread.
Registered Users: Can see sales section (particular forum) postings but can not create one.
Registered User with special access: Can post a thread per 30 days. (even he can't post in his thread also.
I want to achieve this level of settings for special access to specific forum.
One more thing I notice, Particular user groups get access to post in that section without activating (auto set in user groups)
Also, when that particular user-group will set to normal member, they will still have access to post in that specific forum.
I can give more specifications if anyone require, Any suggestion will be appriciated