View Full Version : Having trouble with links since PhotoPost has been installed

08-22-2010, 02:28 AM
I have been having some problems with changing links in the Navbar since I have installed PhotoPost.

My site is installed at sitename.com/forums

Once I am in the site gallery (sitename.com/gallery), I am unable to go to the site's media and classifieds sections because they end up targeting URL (sitename.com/gallery/media and sitename.com/gallery/classifieds) when they should show (sitename.com/forums/media and sitename.com/forums/classifieds).

This is really strange because other links (Blog, Forums, Home) work fine.

Any ideas?


08-22-2010, 02:49 AM
in the photopost settings it will give you the option to tell photopost to ignore certain links so tell it to ignore /classifieds for example..

08-22-2010, 02:55 AM
Thanks! Been staring at this thing for days and just noticed it... Embarrassment city!