View Full Version : Footer Copyright font changes color...

08-20-2010, 07:20 PM
Hey hey hey it's good ole' S-MAN here with a bug per say. I'm running a custom style.. really custom but not too overdone lol so double-check behind me to confirm please? You might need to change the stylevar for the footer font color to check however if this affects everyone else you could create a fix if not I'll fix my footer ;).

CMS/Forum/Blogs Footer & Copyright font color:

Changed colors on me in PT:

I'll be back later to check and see what you all think ;).

08-20-2010, 08:10 PM
There is no stylevar actually in Project Tools. We will add them in a future version.

To edit colors, you need to edit 'projecttools.css' template.

08-20-2010, 08:40 PM
There is no stylevar actually in Project Tools. We will add them in a future version.

To edit colors, you need to edit 'projecttools.css' template.

Ok fair enough ;)

Editing the projecttools.css and attempting to overwrite did not work, overwriting just the color via additional.css did though and that way I don't mess up the default css regardless.

For those who wish to make a change like myself:

If you want to fix this due to customizing your style simply go to your additional.css template and add this near the bottom:

/*Project Tools footer font color fix */
.footer_time {
color:{vb:stylevar footer_copyright_color};

That overwrites the color site wide not just in the project tools. I wanted all my text white so I combined a few you can separate and show the color for the specific part if you wish simply find the names I referenced above in the vbulletin-chrome.css template and copy additional css in as required.

DS MrSinister
08-23-2010, 04:39 AM
The Last Superman

Thanks you very much sir..

You are the man.

08-23-2010, 08:13 AM
The Last Superman

Thanks you very much sir..

You are the man.

Your welcome ;)

10-31-2010, 09:54 AM
I'm fixing this into 2.1.2 to use .shade for PT and .footer_time for footer.