View Full Version : google maps?

08-04-2010, 05:49 PM
I've found three different mods that work with vB 4 and google maps:

YBMF-Google Maps BB Code
this lets me use maps with multiple points. You use the link google provides and it works well, but you MUST go to google and get the map yourself (not necessarily a bad thing).

Interactive Google Maps In Post
this makes it very easy to drop a map in the post, just put a location between the tags and it works. Directions somewhere are done with 2 locations and "to" between them, but you can't used saved maps or maps with multiple locations unless you include directions between them...

Embed Interactive SAVED Google Maps
this lets me do save maps that I've made over time which means I can add links and more code to the icons on the map (images etc). This is great but it ONLY works with a saved map, you can't put locations in or simple google linked code...

Is there anyway to combine all of these so it'd work with either plain text, google map links, OR the test from a save map?

they all have VERY similar code except this one part:

is there any way to combine all three so you could past ANY of the three options inside the BB code tags and it'd be able to figure it out?
